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Everything posted by 360

  1. I like the resigners peaches,good job.
  2. Can a staff member remove the download link and close this topic please?
  3. Are you asking for people to give you rep?
  4. Thanks I am glad to hear that it's helpful to everyone.
  5. This may not have everything but I sure have gotten a lot of serials though. Maybe one day they will have a site that has one for everything. I don't know though. Maybe one of these days.
  6. Nice bump
  7. Once again I got this tutorial from the Microsoft website this tutorial was not made by me in any way. 7 ways to work faster on slow connections There is nothing like trying to work when your Internet connection is slow. It's tougher to send e-mail, more difficult to send files to co-workers, and it's frustrating wasting time while you wait for Web pages to appear. And even with the proliferation of broadband Internet connections, there are still times you may be working on a slow connection. You might be traveling, working out of your office, still using dial-up, or your broadband connection may be acting up. But there are things you can do. This article will show you how to increase your productivity when your connection is slow. Many of these steps are also good tips for how to increase the speed of browsing and sending and receiving e-mail. 1. Send multiple files faster by compressing them If you're sending multiple filesÃâfor example several files related to a projectÃâyou can reduce their combined size by using a compression utility. Compressing your files can dramatically reduce the time needed to send files online, and won't take up as much space in your (or the recipient's) e-mail Inbox. WinZip is one of the more common compression tools. 2. Speed browsing by turning off graphics in Internet Explorer Graphics are important to Web pages, but they also take time to download if you're online. You can turn them off to speed your Internet browsing. To disable graphics in Internet Explorer: On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab. In the Settings box, scroll down to the Multimedia section. Clear the following boxes. a. Play animations in Web pages b. Play sounds in Web pages c. Play videos in Web pages d. Show pictures Click Apply. http://www.microsoft.com/global/atwork/publishingimages/remotely/internetoptions.jpg 3. Send e-mail using distribution lists If you're sending an e-mail to multiple people, create a distribution list instead of listing each recipient separately. Messages are sent faster and more efficiently when you're using a distribution list. Your company may have established procedures for creating mailing lists. If not, http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HP052578011033.aspx 4. Work offline using Cached Exchange Mode in Outlook Even if you lose your network connection, you can continue to working in Outlook if you're using Cached Exchange Mode. With Cached Exchange Mode, a copy of your mailbox is stored on your computer. This copy provides quick access to your data and is frequently updated with the mail server. If you work offline, whether by choice or due to a connection problem, your data is still available to you instantly wherever you are. Cached Exchange Mode does require you to work with a Microsoft Exchange Server e-mail account. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HP010000671033.aspx 5. Reduce e-mail size with simple e-mail signatures E-mail signatures leave a professional stamp on your messages, but elaborate signatures that include multiple images take up a lot of unnecessary storage space in each e-mail. Ultimately, they can slow down the time needed to send each message. Instead create distinctive text signatures combining fonts, type sizes, and colors to make your e-mail signature smaller and quicker to transmit and receive. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HP052427461033.aspx 6. Browse offline by saving Web pages on your computer If you use reference a Web page often, save it locally to your computer. If you lose your connection or are working on a slow connection, you'll still be able to read and find the information you need. To save a Web page on your computer: In Internet Explorer, go to the Web page you want to save. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save As type drop-down menu, select Web page, complete. Click Save. 7. Open Web pages faster by increasing your cache If you increase the size of the Temporary Internet files cache in Internet Explorer, your computer won't have to work so hard when you revisit Web pages. Many of the images will already be downloaded on your computer, decreasing the amount of time it takes to open a page. To increase the Temporary Internet Files cache: On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. On the General tab, in the Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings. In the Settings dialog box, under Check for newer versions of stored pages:, click the Automatically radio button. In the Temporary Internet files folder section, set the Amount of disk space to use: to at least 250 megabytes (MB). Click OK. I hope everyone enjoyed this tutorial and remember this tutorial was made by Microsoft. I hope this help speeds things up for everyone.
  8. 360

    New Smiley

    I like the little smilie you got got here. I hope peaches adds it to the list lol.
  9. I agree with iTzoODavidOo Lostmodz26 is pro
  10. Shouldn't this topic be in Computers because it really only gives you serial numbers and stuff not the program. I think. Not sure on this. Im too lazy to click the link lol
  11. Im glad it works you guys thanks for the + Rep on this
  12. I will try my best but prob the first or second item
  13. Nice items,I will consider buying.
  14. Im his first friend
  15. 360


    I used to have this exact program and it was great,and then it got deleted now im going to download it again thanks for this
  16. Nice job dude, I will have to try this out,great post.
  17. Agreed,nice bump
  18. 360

    Quick question

    Im sure there is another way to open it but right now I have to go but when I get back I will look in to it
  19. Poll taken off Can one of the staff please lock this topic?
  20. Staff please move this topic to the correct section.
  21. So it's a no?
  22. Ok there was a post in off topic and well people were - Repping me for no apparent reason so I had an idea for this site (ALL STAFF PLEASE READ THIS) I have an idea though is it possible we can just have the + Rep and not the - Rep like the ipb site invision power has that would make it a lot better for everyone and no one would ever get mad over the - Rep they get out of nowhere and if you didn't want to + Rep someone you wouldn't have to and your rep wouldn't be affected either that's just a thought I have had please consider it thanks. (Please read the whole topic) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/15879-listen-to-wat-i-say-be4-u-act/page__pid__102914__st__0entry102914 Please everyone vote I need your thoughts for this,thanks to all the people that vote on this.
  23. Thanks for supporting my idea ill ask peaches and fattwam and see what they think about this idea. I am also making a poll for this to so please everyone needs to vote the poll will be opened for 2 days only and after that I will close the poll so please vote.
  24. I agree peaches is there anything else we can do besides this because i got so much - Rep for stupid reasons over the past I don't get it but I could have already had VIP if it weren't for the - Rep Probably, I have an idea though is it possible we can just have the + Rep and not the - Rep like the ipb site invision power has that would make it a lot better for everyone and no one would ever get mad over the - Rep they get out of nowhere and if you didn't want to + Rep someone you wouldn't have to and your rep wouldn't be affected either that's just a thought I have had please consider it thanks. 360
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