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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. ahhh I guess peaches doesnt want it.
  2. We need to make more video advertisements like that. I wish I still had my Xbox and then I would try it. How long before we get the link?
  3. Got bored. I Think you deserve a gift for all of your hard work. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14639-59.jpg http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/2420/giftforpeachkg2.jpg
  4. I really hate this sig. Dont tell me it sucks, I already know. I just want yours guy's opinion on what I could change http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14620-61.jpg
  5. 939 Then We fight!
  6. They are all very good! The top one is my favorite. Very good abstract. that was a gift to someone right? Anyway keep up the exilent work!
  7. July 20th
  8. Its ok. needs work. The Bg is too distracting. it takes away from the focal point. work on blending, depth and effects
  9. Here is the most epic wwe gif. be prepared to be amazed!!!! IF you laugh you LOSE!!! http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/8529/mi...acesliderd6.gif
  10. Happy birthday
  11. Ok I am going to be honest. I think its a awesome concept but the green is overwhelming and there is too much open space. I also think the lens flare and the pen tool are not needed in this type of sig. but you did do a good job on the peen tool it just doesn't belong and the color of it doesn't match anything. Work on depth, blending, lighting effects and flow. otherwise good start.
  12. Alright I didnt follow a tut I just messed around. I know its not good but I want C+C I still want to improve so much. V1 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14192-90.jpg V2 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14192-91.jpg V3 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14192-92.jpg I think its too sharp but tell me what you guys think
  13. Yeah I agree. the kid told me to follow his tutorial and show him exactly what I got. And I got s***.... lol
  14. I know its s*** but I followed a crappy tut this kid wanted me to try. but whatever. C+C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14102-95.jpg
  15. I did it <3 <3 <3
  16. Great job on the Vid!
  17. Practice
  18. Hey WTF lol I made that BG remember peach. I really did. lol Thats kinda funny. But I really did make it. heres my current one: http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/9160/bgye6.jpg
  19. I actually would like #FF80BF for the GFX team It looks like this : Color
  20. I have the same phone but it got wet. so I am using my back up witch is really gay. here is a my back up: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13925-101.jpg
  21. I think that All regular members should be black like you said ans I think it would be cool if The GFX team took over the retired staff color. Thats just my opinion. I don't think that retired staff should have there own special colors. I think everything else is cool.
  22. I really like the new chatbox! I think it is sexy . I love how it matches the forum and I like the setup more( Name placement, Time location on the post and The moderator options)
  23. I say we do it. The Game is Epic and so are we it only make sense lol
  24. Its still on my computer. My sister babysits and the kids like to play it.
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