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Everything posted by nielsss

  1. can't believe the site is still running. missed this place. Anyone still active on these forums? Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
  2. deff the benq one. Its a better drive and is easier to flash imo.
  3. no ******* way lol. that kinda random but cool. I dont like spiders, not scared of them just when I see one I have to kill it O_O
  4. What happened to that GPU heatsink o_O look like it exploded
  5. "the sites they decide to censor will be completely removed form the internet and not just in the US." Only if the site is hosted in the US. By law they cannot take down a website hosted outside of the US. They can black US internet users to view that site but they wouldn't be allowed to take offline if it was hosted elsewhere. Get what I mean?
  6. The power light illuminates and blinks or remains solid to indicate different states: No light — The computer is turned off (S4, S5, or mechanical OFF) Steady green — The computer is in a normal operating state Blinking green — The computer is in a power-saving state (S1 or S3) Blinking or solid amber — See "Power Problems" If the power light is steady amber — The computer is receiving electrical power, but an internal power problem might exist. Ensure that the microprocessor power cable is securely connected to the system board. If the problem persists, contact Dell. Not written by me.
  7. Damn, I remember when u made that!!! Miss the old days. Whats the song btw.
  8. nielsss


    Well Il be honest. nothing bad but personally it is just radio music to me. Dont get me wrong, this is not meant as an insult.
  9. Yeh, not bad. Made me grin =P
  10. Cool so basically my main profile is still good, I can just put it on a mem stick and use it on a retail xbox with a legit copy of reach and I shouldn't get profile banned.
  11. Alright thanks for that guys, what if just took my profile and loaded up a legit copy of reach on a unmodded xbox to get the cR reset. I sorta loaded up my main account with the modded xex file and boom shitload of cR on my main account.
  12. I was just wondering if I took my jtag online for lets say 20min and load up reach would I get banned (dont want to waste a kv just for 20min)? I need to get my cR reset lol. Apperently as soon as you sing into live with modded cR it gets reset.
  13. gave up at 1k
  14. I dont want any of them lol. Its just a little icon.
  15. Well, heres my desktop. http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q145/Nox136/desktop.jpg
  16. Very good point, I do agree with that. however I prefer FPS games on consoles, I prefer FPS games anyway. However games like C&C have to placed on pc..You just need a mouse for that. But then again XCM make adapters for mouse a keyboard support on the xbox...maybe M$ should think of making a official one.
  17. I agree to some point but the reason i prefer xbox gaming is becuase most people have the same controller so its a fair game (with the exceptions of modding and cheating). However with pc everyone has different keyboards/mouse. And some people have crappy pc's where they lag out the game. As with consoles everyone has the the same performance with exception of the internet speed which also affects pc anyway. Im not sure if you get my point but in the end when gaming on the xbox everyone has pretty much the same controller and has a mic for tactical planning (and of course shit-talking). That's all. PS LLLLLLEEEEROOOOY JENKINS... Just felt like saying that..um typing that.
  18. nielsss

    Halo 3 RTH

    tested and works like a charm. still cant get halo reach beta rte to work tho. lol
  19. I have plenty so im good but you wont get £150 for it. But good luck.
  20. The only thing I ever coded was a crappy paint program in C++. After that I gave up lol. Oh yeah did some lua for the psp but didnt like it.
  21. Thanks but I have plenty of unshared/unbanned kv's myself =)
  22. I approve of this post! Couldn't have said it better. I remember when we used to hear this all the time; "The con signer will never get released" "You will never be able to .map on retail" "RTH is impossible on jtag" "Custom dashboards will never work on retail" ..,..... http://cdn.mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/o_rly.jpg
  23. nielsss


    Lol wtf. We have a off topic section =)
  24. Awesome! Got my download
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