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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Wow. Thats not them. Me and MFone used to pretend that it was US in that pic. Now he moved on to him and dakhaos guy.
  2. ... I don't believe people who say they have mods when sometimes they don't. Prove please? Otherwise I'm not believing it.
  3. Right you left BEFORE you got banned huh? Isn't it funny how you get banned right when you want to leave?
  4. Dude you didn't leave, YOU GOT BANNED!
  5. Ok teabagger. First of all, I'm on this site AND ***** daily. YOU are unaware of anything. You ask alot of questions about H3 modding and you have a very bad rep on 7S. Don't tell US what you have learned from 7S.
  6. Well It has to be the pit or Rasts Nest.
  7. Yeah but..WATER! all you have to do is get somewhere high and..WATER! How can you dis-like that?
  8. lol thats what i said.. 6 months.
  9. 6 months to be exact.
  10. So you cant tell us what the secret is exactly?
  11. Justrec

    Halo 3 Resigner

    PM me the resigner
  12. Uh yeah there is a picture. I don't know why you cant see it.
  13. unknown v2 I'm getting sick and tired of you. Please go back to *****.
  14. Haha....and they thought they could resign... Post the site link please please?
  15. Do I care? You can give me 500 checks. From what I've learned, all YOU do mostly is film. I do respect GSM but not people who really don't do anything like swimmer and you.
  16. Yeah you have to rehash it.
  17. w00t I snuck on my xbox for 2 mins to play this.
  18. If I had a french Fri for everytiem I saw that, I would be a very fat dude. ITS NOT POSSIBLE TO MAKE PELICANS FLYABLE.... (YET)
  19. Theres many different kinds out there. ppl are making thier own.
  20. You are going to release the resigner when you make it though right? I'm getting sick and tired of all these people thinking their special because they have one. I want everyone to be able to mod.
  21. Heres a little taste. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileS...=H3%20Pyro Shadow LAG stole credit for those mods. Sligstorm didn't release the real ones yet.
  22. Well I cant hear anything. You don't type like you are little.
  23. Yep Im not a shadow LAg fan anymore. Im on sligstorms side.
  24. Swimmer please don't brag about you having the maps. Your prob not even GSM
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