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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Justrec


  2. Justrec

    cod 4+5

    Just to clarify xport and xsata does the same things. If im not mistaken I think you can mod cod4 and/or 5. I don't know If its been patched yet. Contact Boosie, he will tell you how.
  3. 1. Facepalm Isn't showing up for me.
  4. 13 year olds arent squeaky kids... Most 13 year olds voice are medium or deep.... My naphew is 13 and I've met all of his friends.. No squeaky voices. You guys are thinking of 11 and under year olds.
  5. If the XBL ran out, (I'm guessing cause you said its on the original xbox and its never on) then call MS and tell them that you want the name and the person that has the name doesn't come on at all. That worked the first time live started IDK if they do that now.
  6. ...Who would actually try this? Besides Epsilon?
  7. Nudity. All types of kids that are very young see cursing and killing. But nudity is the issue. One day when I was over a family reunion, it was very quiet, we were all sitting down. My aunt's little kid about 5 years old just burst out and said "I LIKE P*SSY!" Everyone instantly stared at him and I bursted out laughing.... Blame the nude movies.
  8. Justin (JUST) Tre - Nickname (TRE) Tracee (TREC) [pronounced] Its really pronounced Just Tray See But everyone on XBL started calling me Just Trek So yeah.....
  9. Justrec


    Uhm no. Just cause you haz 1000, doesn't mean anything. You haz to have at least 500.
  10. I voted Jew but shoulda voted power ranger
  11. Its a combo of my name, my sis name, and my bros name.
  12. Justrec


    Who is this? And don't type in all blue!!
  13. Welcome! You can't mod H3 with Action Replay.... Silly Peaches.
  14. Justrec


    Everytime I try one of teh offers I have to fill in adress and phone number and crap...
  15. Nooo. Really?
  16. Justrec


    Signed upz
  17. Fake.
  18. If they murder, they deserve to die.
  19. Fake.
  20. Everyone, VOTE 4!!!1
  21. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/JustreczEntryyyy.png
  22. He spammed for 100 posts.
  23. Peaches you are actually thinking about getting an IRC? They suck.. So badly...
  24. Yeah but ODST just makes way more since...
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