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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Facepalm.jpg
  2. ^ I can haz?
  3. Justrec

    Too easy...

    What game is that?
  4. You can only close down the site if this thread is completed. (http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/619-count-to-7777-increased/ ) If not, you cant shut us down.
  5. Justrec


    You broke the rules and now you're punished. Why tell us? We don't care.
  6. Justrec


    No one cares.
  7. They aren't getting any armor, it isn't something that big, ( it actually says that in the quote if you read it) its actually really small, like a emblem or something.
  8. lol wat?
  9. That shit is disgusting. I hate it.
  10. post moar clear version plox
  11. Nope, I pre-ordered on my birthday which was two days ago.
  12. Lolno, I didn't save it, I just copied it from the other yearbook thread.
  13. Yes please.
  14. Go to a server website you want to play, and click "How to join". They usually have that up.
  15. Dakote, wrong. There are mutliple sites giving them out. http://www.i3d.net/medal-of-honor-ranked-game-servers.php scroll to the bottom, signup, and you get emailed a code instantly
  16. My birfday is tomorrow!!! (The 21st)
  17. Justrec

    THX Peaches!

    Delete System 32. /thread
  18. I don't see a difference in Mr T.
  19. Justrec

    THX Peaches!

    Dude, halo3, you've acted like this a year ago. You didn't mature/get smarter at all?
  20. I'll be pre-ordering legendary on my birthday.
  21. Bleh, too old. Requesting pics of Redstar.: http://media.gamebattles.com/community/photos/2008/11/3293571_1228018201.jpg Now, thats where pedobear comes in. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Yg1eQxB6ot4/SxPp2shZgmI/AAAAAAAAAEk/bbou08yIC8Y/s1600/pedobear-rope.jpg
  22. Who the **** is redbar? o.O
  23. Justrec

    New 360 Info

    You were always a weird little guy halo3..
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