Most of you won't remember, but I am xHdTxHaloModder. I saw this thread yesterday when I was just checking out iBotModz again yesterday, couldn't find my password but I finally got it. Since everyone is saying there "good-byes" I might as well do the same. I planned on re-joining this site a few months ago, but I got caught up in some "irl" stuff and I couldn't get around to re-joining. I remember when I first got that message from Peaches that he was banned off whatever modding site (It was either Zero Gravity's or HaloMods) and he quickly needed me to join this site (well, it was the old blue & black forumer forums) and then my journey on iBotModz began. I was 9 or 10 at the time, I was moderator for about a week or so, then Peachers found out and removed me from staff. ;3 Once iBotModz migrated over to this new site, we lost a lot of the old school members. Lost some good friends, but everyone moves on. Peaches, I just want to reach out to you personally and say thank you for inviting me to this site, I called it "home" for quite a long time. Ever since I left this site I joined the hacking scene and learned a lot about Computer Security. I can honestly say If you didn't invite me on to this site, I'd probably never have the computer knowledge I have today. I would have never learnt so much about modding, I would have never stayed in to computers this long. So I have to thank you for everything that you basically gave to me. I'd also like to thank you for dealing with my 9 - 12 year old ass while I was on this website. I've matured a LOT since I joined this site. I actually know how to spell "actual" now. lol. I would like to say a final goodbye to all the friends that I had the pleasure of meeting on this website. "They say that all beauty must die, I say it just moves on." - Avenged Sevenfold
Really? :/ , I was actually looking forward to coming back and becoming a active user again. I remember when the active people where, blacklabelfosho, cesar 13, alpha, niseless, anarchy, legacy, lost modz, slipstream, lax, melo, fattwam, d.hero, fatal error, happy buddah, noodle, and all them, anyone know what ever happened to these people? I see most the old people moved on for the most part. I mean if we expanded, got more modding discussion/topics, the old days would be back in no time. EDIT: WTF, My post count was like 1k, now It's like 200 D:
Hey guys, I'm xHdTxHaloModder, or 'Halomodder2000' some of you may remember me from the 'original' iBotModz. I was one of the like the first 20? people to register on iBM on, or whatever the old URL was, and was a moderator for a couple weeks in the start of it all, I came back to see what was up, and I was reading up on the news section , and I saw alot of clashing information about the site closing / staying open, I'm just wondering what happened? Because I remember the first day it opened, and now It's closing? Can someone explain what's going on?
I need the files pack including the media folder, fonts folder and the default.xbe file, but the link leads to another post without the folders/files, can anyone provide me with these so I can make a modded disc? Peaches, you will most likely have these because they were from your tutorial.. Original Post:
Already downloaded them off some guy on YouTube, It had the correct files in the correct folders, I just needed to put the maps in there which I got off xboxgamefiles.
Hey guys, boy It's been a while since I've been here, prob. since Halo 2 days. But I need someone who has a few brain cells to help me. I was trying to mod new maps on Halo 2, I have the Maps + folders, I signed into LIVE and it gave me a update and my main menu is 1.5 so I believe I can run the new maps. Anyways so I add the maps to my HDD clean or modded, they appear as map packs under my Storage Unit (Microsoft 250GB HDD) All of them appear. The only problem is when I go to the game, choose my Offline profile, It says the DLC is damaged or corrupt... Could someone give me any answers? Is my the folder with all my updates either $c or $u or w/e. lol. I know one of them holds my maps then the other has some updates. Could someone upload there $c + $u MINUS THE MAPS, because maybe those are whats wrong. Maybe because the patch files + w/e files are licensed to another xbox???
It's in your cache. Once your in a GTNW just take off your hdd. Your xbox will boot offline and nothing will be damaged then just look for the CoD Cache File.
Hello! I am hosting a 10th prestige lobby with CTR Legit Ninja. VOICE MESSAGES WILL BE DELETED FRIENDS REQUESTS WILL BE BLOCKED TEXT MESSAGES ONLY!!! NO INVITING YOUR FRIENDS!!! NO STAYING IN THE GAME AFTER 10TH NO BEGGING! My friend will be IP Flooding people out of the game if you invite your friends. If your a level 1 4th Prestige; 7th 1st. We will kick you and your friends out you can be stuck on your 1st prestige. I am willing to have this verified by a moderator if that mod. PM ME! I am willing to take the following: 1600 Microsoft Points = 1 Person 3 X box Live Gold Membership = 1 Person $20 PayPal US Dollars = 1 Person 4000 Microsoft Points = 3 Person 1 Year X box LIVE Gold Membership = 5 People If you are still not convinced check this out: I even put my name in the description of the video. If your interested please redirect your messages to "CTR Legit Ninja" NOT THE NINJA WITH "NJNJA"
My original name was HaloModder2000 I was the second member to register on iBotModz. I remember it was nice and there was no flaming. Then when I got back from vacation there was tons!
Okay, I left iBotModz a month ago... I came back today, I didn't get a warning or anything... I use to have 1,019 posts when I left, and now have 253 wtf?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to bring this up. But Cali Alec, has been releasing links to programs that are "used to mod/gain msp points/give u recon". But he tricked me to test out his new "halo 3 film" editor, which ended out being a Poison Ivy client. He tricked me out of a $2000 pc, now im warning you. Don't ever trust cali! Peaches could you do anything he relesed these links on the chatbox NO ONE DOWNLOAD THESE, THESE ARE JUST TO SHOW A ADMIN http://**********************************/ ["MSP Gen"] http://***********************************["Recon Armor"] http://igiverecon.*****************.com/index23.html [A PHINSER] crackedmspoints.********************.com ["FREE MSP POINT SITE"] I wish to have something done about Cali trying to hack us... These are all document viewers/stealers and phinshers where released on iBM Chat Box by "Cali Alec"