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michael iz pro

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Everything posted by michael iz pro

  1. Any Luck ?
  2. Fixed it lol
  3. This is Kind Of a similar process to this guy who set up his own site on installing a pc motherboard to a Xbox360 then installing Windows XP http://ant.allenthinks.com Thats His Site http://ant.allenthinks.com/?p=73 thats his old design it tells you about adding a laptop DVD Drive and fitting the Motherboard etc.... and i don't know how your going to run Macintosh OS X on PC hardware are you using Hackintosh ? i http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/heart.gif IDeneb Version 1.3 10.5.5 (Dont bother downloading Version 1.6 10.5.8 its not stable )
  4. Niiice When i Go Upstairs ill use this have you got to GooD images including purple ?
  5. type E43 Dont know what it means but its bloked
  6. Ok Silly Silly Bump But how does 1 obtain the halo 3 engine 1. put the disk into a jtagged xbox360 and run an homebrew app that makes the disc spin backwards so it breaks some sorta digital security sector and renders the files into lets say..... "H3 Engine" consisting of 7 folders 21 .xex's the disc thanks to the homebrew app was spinning backwards so that all files from the disc poped up and not forwards to actually run the . default.xex 2.one hooks up his/hers 360 drive to the pc with power cable still plugged into 360 motherboard but sata cable plugged into computer instead of flashing drive copy's the iso with xbox back up creator and locates the directory of the game engine 3.one makes a simply GUI which along with the halo 3 engine turned from .xex's to exe. and from xll to .dll with system configs to run on 32-64 bit OS's and to do this end user exports the file from their profile in its raw form "filmXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" and downloads the map file that they played on together with the halo 3 engine the .map file and film the halo 3 engine simulates what was going on in the game but on pc (obviously HD settings would be end user variable) and with the halo 3 engine simulating it as if it was a normal theatre lobby a program that captures monitor activity like Camstudio obviously modified by the application creator to run the right FPS ......blah blah blah and it would be legal to distribute since camstudio is open source i think the GUI would look some sort similar to this ____________________________________________________ "Application Name" (BY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) Film/Clip: |"waiting for user to select film/clip file exported from hard drive" Map: |"right about now for beta testing you have to locate the map file and obviously its illegal for creator to release app with .map files so end user has to figure out how to get them(xboxgamefiles.com) in the V 1.0 app if the needed .map file is in the same directory of the application folder then the application reads the text string value and lets supposingly say a film on guardian it reads text string with a hex editor see's "D:/Guardian" and loads the .mapfile Quality: | "obviously only 480p 720P 1080i 1080p" would be listed as valid options "normal output quotations like how much time left render will take" _____________________________________________________ Would that work ????
  7. LOL 31 Clips in a 6 Slot File Share ?????????
  8. The Look of it is naaaaasty lol lol Fat Ipod
  9. This is Mainly For Lostmodz But if Anyone else Can make me a Montage feel free to download Gamertag: Michael iz pr0 File Structure After Unrar E000022448C4XXXX (Folder Name) 4D5307E6(Halo 3)-00010000(User Content Folder Containing 31 Clips) FFFE07D1(Profile Folder) 00010000( User profile Folder with profile) P.M Me For The Link If Your Able To Create Me A Montage lost or anyone else
  10. I Started :'( To Dakote on MSN i thought it was linked to the MTWOMG Thingy Happy April Fool's <Yesterday< >Today Happy GooD FridaY>
  11. OMG halo 3 in the UK we call that snitching Man Your suppose to be helping a brother lol dakote niiice pic but be careful he might kill you he is on the run lol
  12. Ummm No Not Unless You Bought Your 50 But Yeah could you just randomize it with friends on someone's list and people from ibotmodz.net
  13. Me Dont Know :S Thats Why I Asked You
  14. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Peaches i Finally Got The 400M$ Message Funny Thing Is That You Cant See The Message On Xbox.com & Halo 3 My Code Is Going To Peaches Draw Sorry
  15. Yes Im Pretty Sure You Will Find Someone To Sell It To No Single Disk Thought No One Will Buy ODST
  16. I know This Might Sound Stupid But Will Halo:3 Recon Armour Owners Have A Special Armour Variant In Online Play
  17. Dont You Have ODST ?
  18. http://i46.tinypic.com/fvfl9y.png Yaaay thats my my invite but i havent received email with xbl code and im also giving my reach inv away he he he funny thing is i havent played a game of H2 on that account all i have done is search in team snipers so i think they done it on recent games of H2 ahh i would of got it on miichael iz pr0 to but i done that bio thing once you get 1 ban they classify you as an unworthy member and they blacklist you from everything good oh well my main has it hooray lol i feel like a 7 year old kid who just found a golden ticket in a willy wonka bar
  19. Kidhitman (online Old Main H3 44) x kidhitman x (online old free booster H3 33) I kidhitman I ( online 1 month H3 43 XLB snipe (online H3 39 "used for deranking") michael iz pr0 (online New Main H3 50 ) Reconz thanks to alex athrun and ??? miichael iz pr0 (online new free booster H3 46) Reconz to "Gr4amz" using for machima peej iz fresh (online booster given to me im krazy jorge (american online account given to me H3 0 "after deranking on XLB turned into a 50 dubz 23 EXP !!!" happy to lend) i miss michael first account created offline saints row was sick back then
  20. its not really fair if one team have all generals =( i suggest you mix it up with people on ibotmodz.net
  21. so Jtagged xbox360's run .xbe's
  22. what is it 4V4's my boys run slayer man
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