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michael iz pro

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Everything posted by michael iz pro

  1. ummmm if you read it said steve failed to get the device to work and the back up he had aswell =(
  2. lol when im in bed and at the moment have not that much to do i already have a laptop i want to have ibotmodz.net chatbox on my phone
  3. on my blackberry i can browse this Forum. i can visually see the "shout Box" but i cannot shout so im asking if someone could code a Real Time Instant Messenger Based on The Shout Box ? That Would Help Me Stay on ibotmodz.net 24/7
  4. Yahpz LOL now my room feels packed 2 pc's and 2 un-exploitable 360's the one i bought 2.0.8507.0 and hasnt been updated and my main online 2.0.9199.0
  5. What if i Downgrade the Kernel Version with INFECTUS
  6. 2.0.8507.0 Un Jtag-able http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif he updated it a while ago to play CoD 4
  7. Give Me the .44 'Dirty Harry' Magnum
  8. Do i need to do anything because people keep saying their Jtag's Last a month lol so yah anything to extend the life expectancy ? and is that everything i need Team Xecuter looks better http://xbox-experts.co.uk/stores_items_details.php?id=8&n=1&currency=USD thats what you want me to order Halo 3 right ?
  9. thanks and accepted on xbox.com ill be on later
  10. kk thanks ill check it out so its everything yeah to solder etc... and can i have a link becuase i just checked their site edit found it lol is this it ?
  11. ummm right about now im currently boosting my cousins account he is LW 45 TD 42 Tsni 25 Tslyr 32 if you play doubles or snipers we are guaranteed 97% to win as my cousin account was a garbage noob Bk when i started ummm 23 in Lone Wolves but i boosted him and his brother's account so if your bored and just want to have a laugh and gameplay with me then add rayzarkid ill be on from 12:30am Uk which is 7:30 US 12:30am to 8am yes all night junkie lol PS Could Peaches delete this on friday lol
  12. LoL No Thanks Im Not Interested in buying an xbox i have already got a solid deal with a kid in the U.K that has one that is jtag-able all im asking is which method is better and you have answered my question with the reply USB thank you but i was not to sure if you were saying me purchasing the usb flasher from the U.S and shipping will cost me about £60 is their any way i can get one in the uk i tried ebay but everytime i type in jtag something it shows 0 Results for anything to do with a 360 ?
  13. This Coming Friday is My Birthday So i Finally Thought About Getting a Jtag'd The Console im getting is a Second Hand Xbox 360 Elite (Has Only Been Played For a Week The kid moved over to Play Station Scene) Which is going to cost me £110 Great British Pounds / $159 Dollars (Converted by xe.com) Its Jtag Able i checked myself but what i need help on is what to do next and what is the difference between doing this LPT Method or the one im willing to purchase USB Method $29.99 i dont know what this is supposed to be lol Jtag Utility Bundle $20.99 if i pick the USB Method Could someone Guide Me on what exactly i have to do to put this in the xbox360 i already know about soldering and opening the 360 is this the right Tutorial or is their something better Wiki USB Method Which Method is better i already know the spi usb flasher is the fastest
  14. What Do You Mean ? Is It Like That Dell Mini Installation When You Use The Ideneb Disc To Boot And Then insert The Retail Disc ?
  15. Dam http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/wallbash.gif
  16. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/no.gif We Are Nice
  17. ummm is the halo reach flamming armour thingy going to be here ?
  18. Ummm Yeah i Know For Some Reason it doesn't seem to download from that link but wait for me to get the beta of my HDD
  19. Ok When i Get Time To ill Upload My Beta From My HDD Official Xbox.com Link: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/games/offers/0ccf0004-0000-4000-8000-00004d530877?cid=iCMZ And Can Somebody Just Upload Me a Directory of where the Beta is stored on the Halo 3:ODST Disk 4D530877 | |_??
  20. michael iz pro


  21. Oh i was going to say that this 2010'r is a lier 2hours to upload just under 200MB ? but then i looked at the things and said maybe its his connection speed
  22. HDD: Partition 1: Windows XP Home Professional 32 Bit (HazarXp) Partition 2: Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit Partition 3: Macintosh OS X Leopard 10.5.5 (IDeneb) I Prefer 7
  23. So Are You Using Ideneb
  24. For People Like Me & Peaches Who Are Going To Be Emailed The Code We Will Receive It On 29th April 2010 That What Makes The Beta 5 Days Early For The Majority Who Own Halo:3 ODST You Will Be Prompted To Download From Marketplace But To Be Able To Launch it You MUST Physically Have The Halo 3 : ODST Disk In Your Xbox360 Disc Drive Im Wondering If You Will Be Able To Use The Mythic Disc Im Also Wondering if i Upload It Can Retail Consoles Play I Want To Play With Alex And Lost And Athrun http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbup.gif
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