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michael iz pro

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Everything posted by michael iz pro

  1. is that an actual mac or PC ?
  2. i have cod but i never touch it im always lending it to my cousins and by now everyone knows if you play these mods online with a jtag you better have a 48 hour account and a spare KV
  3. 1: i have a 50 and i dont have a jtag'd 2:lol well i totally agree
  4. Originally Posted On se7ensins.com by Thilo but i figrued id post on here since se7ensins.com always has site loading problems Original Post
  5. lol asian face
  6. lol peaches posted this in 2009 BUMP !!!!
  7. lol he is right i tried this along time ago with my old email kid-hitman@hotmail.co.uk after i said i was 17 they said i should not reply to them discussing the terms of a developer kit lol i also approve
  8. hey can you capture all the films in a fileshare for me please the gamertag is xzxxtookiexxxx


  9. Oh
  10. AGREED Seriously.....Microsoft Made it sound like this 360 is the Omega they said it doesnt have Red Ring Of Death "Kinda" instead its Red Dot Of Death wow i dont feel like purchasing one now they just wanted to compete with the PS3 slim and rushed the designs :
  11. what did u say about the DVD Drive ?
  12. + REP'd H3 lol .... u lot argue with Halo3 Alot ...
  13. LoL i agree Peaches must of beat him 25-0/1 in doubles
  14. LoL Dats funny that father bit
  15. LMFAO There Name Spelt Backwards LOL
  16. LoL Your Picture To Funny
  17. Yeah Thank You i meant to say it turns orange so i know its connected but not green so it doesn't turn on
  18. its a White PROfessional/Premium when i put the power brick in and tap the power button on the spectrum it doesnt seem to do anything i know the power brick is working because it lights up orange and ive tried 3 other power bricks with combinations of tapping power button or eject button and it still wont turn on can you please help i can upload pics and video tomorrow as i have left it at my other house
  19. Cant The New Console Drive Be Flashed ?
  20. Hopefully Game In The U.K Will Do The Same But So Far Just Those Lucky U.S People Yet AGAIN !!!!! GameStop U.S Official Source http://www.gamestop.com/gs/specialty/tradeins/images/180x180_upgrade360.jpg Here is what GameStop is offering. XB360 System w/wireless OR wired controller - $100XB360 Hard Drive 20 GB - $30XB360 Hard Drive 60 GB - $35XB360 Hard Drive 120 GB - $40XB360 Hard Drive 250 GB - $50XB360 Memory Card 64 MB - $10XB360 Memory Card 256 MB - $14XB360 Memory Card 512 MB - $18XB360 Network Adapter Wireless (Microsoft) - $40XB360 Network N Adapter (Disc required) - $50XB360 Controller – Wired (Microsoft) - $20XB360 Controller – Wireless (Microsoft) - $25if i lived in the U.S and Got that here is what ill get for both my consoles White Pro With Wireless Controller 100$ off 20GB Hard Drive 30$ off 256MB Memory Card 14$ off $144 off / $299-144$ = $155 or Black Elite With Wireless Controller $100 off 120GB Hard Drive $40 off $140 off Not That Much of a Difference im doing my Pro (if it pops up with this option in Game U.K) Post Yours http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif ***UPDATE*** Game U.K Found The U.K Game Deals Unofficial Source (BTW i didnt Read This Properly i thought they were saying thats much the trade in value was when i looked at the elite console but its after u hand it in how much the new 360 Slim Will Cost u) Here are the offers in full. The Xbox 360 Slim will be launched in the UK on July 16th. Xbox 360 Elite £99.99 
(£100 OFF) Xbox 360 60GB Pro £119.99
 (£80 OFF) Xbox 360 20GB Pro £139.99
 (£60 OFF) PS3 Slim 120GB £24.99 (£175 OFF !!!) PS3 80GB £59.99 (£140 OFF) PS3 40GB £69.99
 (£130 OFF) Nintendo Wii £124.99 (£75 OFF) im definetly doing 20GB pro £70 off lol
  21. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL that was 4x as fast as the normal 360 lets just call normal 360 Gear of War Chainsaw (When Console is rotated/moved) Revision 1 that was 4 times the speed of that so ummm Revision 4 Really Grinding Gears out there o yeah did everyone that attended the EXPO get one free ?
  22. http://www.speedtest.net/result/847358336.png
  23. That Is A Joke it must be for Europe Also
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