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michael iz pro

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Everything posted by michael iz pro

  1. Lost ill do it with you when i come online on Thursday lost trust me im good but i wish they made it like halo 3 recharging shield and
  2. Im Sorry if this sounds stupid but i like the way (if artsoto is the creator) scribled out "Pre Order And" Ha Horray for free
  3. Windows For The Win just Download OS X from one of my old post or i could pm you links you can Dual Boot both
  4. Wow He Actually gave me Rep http://i34.tinypic.com/s4wbxk.gif
  5. http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg258/BrandonE1993/doubleposters2zs3dn5qo.gif LOL
  6. lol i could imagine it in game aswell first to to make me crack were 1.Yo Momma's so fat, she has to use the first X-Box controller. http://www.gaminggenerations.com/store/images/xbox_duke_controller.jpg 2. Yo Momma's so fat, when she fell through the map, she killed the Guardians. listen to these ones Yo mama so fat she uses a pillow case as a sock. Yo mama is so poor she ran after a garbage truck with a shopping list in her hand. Yo mama is so stupid that she asked for a price check at a 99 cent store. yo mama is so dumb she went to the cinema to watch a film they said sorry no under 18's so she grabbed 17 of her friends your mum is so ugly freddie kruger had a nightmare about her your mamma's so fat everytime she turns around it's her birthday Yo mommas so fat when she steps on scales it shows her phone number. You dont know a lifetime! Try walking around your mum My Own Have you ever tried walking around the world in 80 days just try walking around your mum once Yesterday i saw your mum kicking a cardboard box i asked here what are you doing she said moving houses
  7. Yo Momma's so fat, she ordered Gravemind on the vegetable menu. Yo Momma's so fat, she runs the same speed when she drops the oddball. Yo Momma's so fat, she has to use the first X-Box controller. Yo Momma's so fat, when she plays rumble pit, everyone else gets 100% accuracy. Yo Momma's so fat, people don't need to zoom in to snipe her. Yo Momma's so fat, she uses the flag as a toothpick. Yo Momma's so fat, it would take all of the Halos being activated to starve her. Yo Momma's so fat, when she gets the overshield, she is mistaken for the sun. Yo Momma's so fat, she doesn't need a vehicle to get splatter medals. Yo Momma's so ugly, the flood teammed up with her. Yo Momma's so fat, she picked up an overshield and it said "One at a time, please." Yo Momma's so fat, when she fell through the map, she killed the Guardians. Yo Momma's so fat, she enters big team battle by herself. Yo Momma's so fat, she has to grenade jump into bed. Yo Momma's so ugly, she doesn't need the Grunt Birthday Party skull to make heads explode. Mom: youre grounded son: why? I wanna go play infection in real life mom: i told you to stop throwing that bar around in the house son: but David gets to play in the house mom : David is a General. you are not. Now go to room before I make you go play SWAT on a European host son: ewwwwwww.... i hate SWAT. Theres no AR mom: I hate you so much....your father should have worn an overshield so you never would have been born. son: =(
  8. lol your the Man your the man im not lying to you but Gruntmods your the man 1.Grunt open's a Letter from school Frightened that they are going to phone as well 2. He Slowly opens it when he reads this white enveloped pink Paper letter congratulating him for being the man 3. Right after Terminator 3 in Disguise as Master Chief Knock down's his door 4. Sergeant Johnson is kinda passed out and Shakes Grunt's Hand and Congratulates him to 5. That killer ODST That Turns on you on the last mission of Halo 3 ODST where you find the last Audio Log Walks in and Head Shot's Gruntmods while grunt shouts Yay confetti comes out of his head 6. Terminator Aka Master Chief Strangles The Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (ODST) while Sergeant Johnson Licks his lips and Says "looks like we are having and O.D.S Barbeque Ha ha ha for more Dumb Jokes Click this halo 3 Jokes lol not really i made that crap above up but on that site they have 1 funny joke at the top http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2194/1681272211_43005f363b.jpg?v=0
  9. What i don't understand is what game over is on about if everyone is getting the leaked Johnson its not that they are going to Flag our xbox's then Ban us on the next wave there are many people like me that pre-ordered it with game and controller of Amazon.co.uk and didn't receive the Redeem code so if they do call or i call them which i doubt then i can say i can print a copy of a receipt that i pre ordered odst before the release thanks artsoto but this is a never thing i don't understand didn't peaches post a fully detailed description.guide on how to do this as well please don't turn this site into se7ensins.com they post the same thing over and over again that's why they have alot of topic's lol and another reason why i don't log on sorry if this was to long to read Peaches why do you lock topic's and not delete them ????
  10. The White 360 is a Arcade no The Resident Evil 5 360 is a 20GB HDD The little blue thing is my national rail pass so i can get to school Monday to Friday it cost me ã11.05 pence http://i37.tinypic.com/25a51kg.jpg there are 17 360 games including my halo wall 42 legit xbox 1 games + 50 burnt xbox 1 games in the cd spindle that thing on top of my xbox 1 games far left is my Computer Cd/dvd case the thing under it detects radio waves http://i34.tinypic.com/2udxrt4.jpg Now that's all my phones and stuff from left to right ã150 Watch (that's $238 dollars) i told you guys i snapped my first halo 3 that's it next is my samsung E720 (i use it to text all my gf alot) After is a brick motorola C975 ( i use it becuase its on 3 so it has free msn mobile) next is my sony erricson w810i (use it for music drum n bass and rock on that sounds really good) after that is my mda vario II ( i use to use it for texting since it has a full qwerty key pad but now i just play with it since it has windows mobile) and last is my Samsung... (i forgot its name but it has a 5mp camera aswell lol)obviously i cant show my 5mp viewtey im taking pics with it lol T-Mobile Uk FTW http://i35.tinypic.com/yj62x.jpg Lastly is my 19 inch HD Tv it has mostly everything VGA connection/ Scart lead /component/ HDMI/ sound input/ sound output/RGB and aerial guess what on the right side it has a dvd player Halo 3 Rape in HD 1080P yh baby right now its on ODST: fire fight my offline service tag is rape http://i35.tinypic.com/16hjgax.jpg
  11. lost your adding xbox 1 games he he he read below im adding mine with a brief description
  12. 1. Favourite Part Of My room Has To Be My Halo Wall i have halo 1 on my HDD Halo 3:ODST (Far Left) Halo 2 (Center) Halo 3 (Far Right) http://i34.tinypic.com/zkfqf7.jpg 2. My xbox 360 Has a Resident Evil 5 Skin ummm i think odst multi player and cod 5 are on top lol i have alot more games i might repost he he he http://i36.tinypic.com/bl755.jpg Sorry if the Picz aint to good i took them with my 5 megapixel LG viewty http://www.lgblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/viewty-silver.png lol
  13. lol that was quite funny ......why dont you post your pc and stop -minus me or negative commenting me god give me some Virtual internet Space JeeZuZ your on my case every post LOL
  14. lol Yes I have Had a Multi Boot PC- Windows XP/Vista/7/Linux/OS X (you can se that i use to have linux on becuase is says neo grub boot loader on the bottom of the boot menu) i deleted XP and i have the XP mode virtual 1.35Gb Virtual iso on Windows 7 sorry if the video was to long and what is that bad with vista i like the look not really the os the only thing i think is a mistake is play station fans they are just to full of them selves lol but the XP was a virtual machine in windows 7 and the linux was in virtual box
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rToKpFjqZXQ
  16. wow im jealous he post a tut on how to make a pandora battery and he gets loads of post i post a tut on how to hack the psp which has the same outcome as this (installing custom firmware i get 2 or 3 reply's lol im not jelaous great tut if you guys think this is dangerous read my tut then after whn you get it hacked if you have an old psp anything bought before 2007 xmas then you can install custom firmware from psp-hack.com
  17. LOL 3 Year Old If you Said something Like Cry to My Mummy like a Little bitch girl then i would of gave you some ratings sorry i might have a decent internet but i dont like things that take alot of time yes and no im patient Patience is a virtue and virtue is a grace if you dont agree then you should get punched in your face lol http://www.speedtest.net/result/576116565.png
  18. ummm load up xplorer360 or xport360 go to partition 3 then the content then 00000000... folder dump these folders in that folder i currenlty am using the left 4 dead one and when you have a premium theme and signed in to xbox live you can get this cool black banner over eveything sorry if im takling random
  19. What im Trying to Say is sometimes when you download something lets say Sony Vegas the 32 bit is a smaller download and the 64 bit runs quicker but takes longer to download right look are you going to download or post complaints ???
  20. hey lost why dont you make your name appear on the helmet (just a thought lol)
  21. thanks for sticking up for me and quinn ok if people consider it as pirated then let them click these torrent clients U torrent Vuze (thanks to Grunt) Bit Torrent Bit comet i clearly stated if you dont believe or your going to -minus me dont bother reading but they still do i try lol now that i have posted other clients (i bet people will still download limewire lol) i thought people like pargy would be happy and say nice tut but he hasnt posted yet this tut is 100% mine
  22. michael iz pro


    damn this game i tried to set it as SEXY then i just went with MIKE short for michael lol
  23. Yh but grunt you were talking about 2gig ram so i only reposted about ram For those who don't believe in the power of limewire pro 32 BIT>>> 7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD.iso MD5: d0b8b407e8a3d4b75ee9c10147266b89 SHA1: 5395dc4b38f7bdb1e005ff414deedfdb16dbf610 CRC32: c1c20f76 DOWNLOAD Code: 32 BIT OS 64 BIT>>> 7600.16385.090713-1255_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso MD5: f43d22e4fb07bf617d573acd8785c028 SHA1: 326327cc2ff9f05379f5058c41be6bc5e004baa7 CRC32: 1f1257ca DOWNLOAD Code: 64 BIT OS
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