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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. Unfortunately though you don't own your account so M$ can do as they wish in the end.
  2. My original 05 console is the only one that still works besides my JTAG's.
  3. Console N64 --> PS2 --> Original Xbox (6 all together) --> Xbox 360 (12 Currently)
  4. Lol, i remember when i added it. Oh and this one
  5. fattwam


    Iv been thinking of implementing Sphinx.
  6. When your dying ill be still alive
  7. You lucky... There's nothing good in Canada, either go with a somewhat stable network with terrible upload and low bandwidth cap or unstable networks with lower speeds but high bandwidth cap.
  8. ooo this is getting exciting, bringing back the good old days as peachy said... I can't wait Lemme know if you need anything hosted
  9. http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/4b/6f/cf/sbc-2203.jpg
  10. 2201
  11. 2199
  12. Yeah trying to get some of these programs to properly work without displaying .net errors can be a pain. I definitely recommend using 32Bit windows but still will have some problems. Im Glad this AIO still has an active Download link cause the death of Filefront, Megaupload, and Time killed a lot.
  13. That's awesome i want one. Though i wonder how long the TV will last constantly being shaken around.
  14. "SoccerMounds, is a mod"
  15. fattwam

    Halo 4 vids

    If only i had the game
  16. Back in the day... feels like yesterday that i was getting up at 6:30 am to play halo and only stopping at 11PM lol. We need a backwards time machine... in the year 252525
  17. oh yeah i remember it doing that too, was a real pain. Best part of Yelo was being big or tiny, always fun lol.
  18. Yeah iv never even tried to be honest just wanted to post
  19. I never get anything like this, M$ hates me
  20. http://2kstudio.com.ua/ are the designers i think.
  21. Summer ?
  22. Welcome
  23. Old old ? Lol your gonna see all my ACP updates ::' /> Edit... The lol smiley is broken, keeps displaying "lol:' />" for me and i can't get rid of it.
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