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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. Downloading again right now cause my Burned discs broke.
  2. http://www.343industries.org/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/troll.png
  3. I think we might be past our "Hay Day" but we still got our devoted regulars who love to come and remember the past. Welcome
  4. Just watch them over a week and see what they sell for then you will know rougly what to set you max bid at, plus there will always be new listings tomorrow I see a couple on ebay with 3 days leftr on them where the bids are currently only at 100-125.
  5. My friend just got a 5970 off of ebay a couple weeks ago for $200ish (including shipping). Just watch the listings and make sure it was not used for bitcoin mining and always bid cause there are so many people who just want what's new and are buying 6970's and 7970's then selling their still good 5970's. Even when i bought my 5970 a year ago when the prices were higher i still only payed $350 for mine and it's working great.
  6. If your under a budget choose your PSU last then you can get one that has just enough power for what you need but if not get an 80+ efficiate one which will be cheaper in the long run with power costs. Also an older model ATI Radeon might be cheaper and more powerfull then the GTX 660 GPU, for instance the AMD HD Radeon 5970 is a lot more powerfull then the GTX 660 GPU but since it's a few revisions old it's getting pretty cheap.
  7. Oh Jesus, i got to 20 seconds and then was embassred to keep watching
  8. fattwam http://www.343industries.org/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/bananachief.gif
  9. So tempting to edit your post
  10. fattwam

    It was fun.

    Yeah all the haters cause we were a bunch of kids lol
  11. Sorry i don't seem to have it, if you find one let us know so we can archive it
  12. 2218
  13. 2216
  14. 2214 Onward to 7777 http://343industries.org/images/Determined.png
  15. WTF ? When i linked it everything was working, i see the errors now as well. Im not sure of any other sources so hopefully it will be fixed soon. Seriously though like an hour ago it was working.
  16. http://ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/13-halo-2-clean-maps-unmodified/
  17. In America TV watches you... Wait something sounds wrong there.
  18. 2212
  19. 2209 lol
  20. 2207
  21. Also now a days you parents can get those cheap phones that only work with 911 and 1 extra number so their kid can contact them or emergency services if needed.
  22. If they want a phone they should have to pay for it themselves, still have rules about it in school and such but having parents just give their kids phones primarily their first phone is just more of a reason for that kid to grow up into a cock son of a bitch.
  23. I don't even have a smart phone
  24. That's Microsoft for ya, even worse now as since they own everything they have all their bases covered since they don;t use third party for anything which means any way you interact with them no matter how small is governed by a certain set of their terms. You see what they did... "oh that's not in the terms ?, lets just add it now..." It's a shame cause with the flick of a switch they can demo your whole account and leave nothing but ashes... even worse it was never yours to begin with Make sure to always have your content backed up somewhere else and not just relay on your emails never being deleted or that attachments never going anywhere, if it means anything at all to you, save it! This is precisely the reason why when i do have to use Microsoft services each service is used with a different NET account.
  25. 2205
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