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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. oshit! I don't even remember you
  2. That man should be a VIP yo.
  3. "Normal Old Bastard" English term.
  4. JTAG/Dev...
  5. Meh, I released on 7sins and not here. Thought I should. And what beams? the blue things? They are the tower pulses from the towers. Also, the Credit count will be stored on the Bnet servers. Idiot. Bungie have a brain.
  6. "Thanked by 1 Member: visocar" hahaha.
  7. .:: Halo Reach Jetpack ::. By CaII Me AIexx http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2500/final1x.jpg Halo Reach Jetpack Modification. Mod Infomation: Mod Name: Halo Reach Jetpack Original Map Name: shrine.map Creators: CaII Me AIexx .PatchDat Download: Download Usermap: None Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4STd2q3lgUM Mod Attributes: [ No ] Weapon Edits [ No ] Weapons Balanced [ No ] Weather Edits [ No ] Skin/Texture Edits [ Yes ] Projectile Edits [ No ] Machine Edits [ No ] Scenery Edits [ No ] Biped Edits [ Yes ] Vehicle Edits [ No ] Lighting Edits [ Yes ] Jmad Edits [ No ] Effect Edits [ Yes ] Model Edits [ Yes ] Physics Edits [ No ] Barrier Edits Credits: DeadCanadian: Chunk Creating. Xenon: Alteration & XEX. Anth0ny: Alteration & XEX. DarkShallFall: Plugins. Images: http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2500/final1x.jpg http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/4060/final2s.jpg http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/5739/final3wy.jpg http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/2092/final4m.jpg This post was generated by the Se7en Sins Post Generator by Call me Alexx
  8. Halo 3 Mainmenu v2 http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/2687/mainyx.jpg Patch this to a clean mainmenu.map for Halo 3! Not Mythic, if you use mythic im sorry, i don't have mythic on my Dev and i don't want to download it. But you can try patching this to a clean .map from xboxgamefiles.com and copy over the mythic mainmenu, it might work. Inb4 Halodu2de Inb4 Wearingjok3r Inb4 Copy Campaign: http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/1294/campaign.jpg Matchmaking: http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/2926/matchmaking.jpg Custom Games: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5469/customgames.jpg Forge: http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/7824/forge.jpg Theater: http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/7981/theaterh.jpg Download! Mainmenu.rar
  9. Created By: Call Me Alexx Insipr3d By: DarkShallFall This is a remake of a map that DarkShallFall did a few months ago. He never released it, so i had to remake it. Features: - One of every Weapon, Vehicle, Equipment, Teleporter on the map. - Unlimited Money, 250 of each item. - No Soft Barriers. - Removed Death Barriers above the lake. - Large area to test pokes /=/ Modded effects, proj's, vehi's ect Others: - 2 box's (Crate and Turret Case) modded with phmo, coll and mode resizing. - Moved Tower pulses. sooo gud bro Tags Edited: - scnr - bloc - phmo - mode - coll - scen - strings/Locals - rmsh - sddt Pictures: -Intro Screen in Forge http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/3681/introscreen.jpg -ye bro, just ye http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/9151/everythingm.jpg -Whole Map http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5594/wholemap.jpg -Bridge to Map, yeah http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/638/bridgetoland.jpg -All vehi's http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/3193/allvehi.jpg -All Weap's http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/8868/allweap.jpg -All Equip's http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/9504/allequip.jpg -You need these bro! http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/7094/droppallets.jpg -Because i can. And i was bored http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/5320/roofbro.jpg NOTE! -Sorry for the large text, but some kiddies will complain i didn't tell them, You MUST! use the usermap included with this map file. It holds everything that you need.. Just resign it to your ID's and out it in your Halo 3 CON folder. Thanks. Download: Researchvalla.rar usermapResearch.rar
  10. Who did then and peached enable us to edit our user titles. It's vital to my daily routine yo.
  11. Peaches changed my usertitle after I called him a faggot D: He fixed it :3
  12. Cool Story Bro.
  13. This is wrong Peaches. Stop stalking my posts. http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/7567/jew.png jew.
  14. Da finest Jamaican shit yo.
  15. Or, judging by how many file names are similar, a TV series
  16. Reported to FBI yo.
  17. Third picture of sword base! On the wall next tot he door! HALO 1 HEALTH PACK! yeeeee
  18. nop.
  19. Holy Shit. Look at bungie go with map designing!
  20. Another fucking pointless post by Dataanti.
  21. Meh, if you look. Thanks to 4chan, Pedobear is atm winning HAHHAA. http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/6967/nikecanvaswallpaper.png
  22. A forum of Harry potter Fans. I can be harry if you like? I be English brah.
  23. I bypass the filter by adding [b][/b] in bad words. fu[b][/b]ck aka fuck.
  24. There better still be weapons on the map like BR's and not JUST power weapons you can't spawn with. -.-
  25. Gotta love good olde English Humor . Now shut the fuck you you crazy cunt Matt. ;x
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