Call Microsoft? And tell them what? Sorry about wrong section i'm just pissed right off! What can you do to help me? Account info: Saskatchewan, Canada S0J 0K0- postal code Mothers birthplace- i cant remember... Hmm... what other info do you need?
I'm sorry. I would post this in off topic but i know that it probably wont get help there. Does anyone know how to hack msn accounts? Someone got my msn password and i want my account back! Pleasse help!
Oh wow... I don't even care anymore... Terrible... I know i'm not gonna get it no matter how times i explain. I say smokie. Don't rely on a Poll... So easy to win them. Haha just curious... who voted for me? Oh and i remember the last time Smokie had power... Wow. Do you remember Master Snail?
Hmmm... good idea. I was thinking more along the lines of a T-shirt contest. First Prize: 1000 Microsoft points Second: Uno Third: ? I can provide uno.
Clans are somewhat pointless... I guess a custom game clan. * What about a clan that makes videos? We could do some glitchin through halo and post ibotmodz in our videos.