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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Call Microsoft? And tell them what? Sorry about wrong section i'm just pissed right off! What can you do to help me? Account info: deathgrip_17@hotmail.com Saskatchewan, Canada S0J 0K0- postal code Mothers birthplace- i cant remember... Hmm... what other info do you need?
  2. ERRRRR! Wrong answer. Post in the right section or ask someone.
  3. I'm sorry. I would post this in off topic but i know that it probably wont get help there. Does anyone know how to hack msn accounts? Someone got my msn password and i want my account back! Pleasse help!
  4. Oh wow... I don't even care anymore... Terrible... I know i'm not gonna get it no matter how times i explain. I say smokie. Don't rely on a Poll... So easy to win them. Haha just curious... who voted for me? Oh and i remember the last time Smokie had power... Wow. Do you remember Master Snail?
  5. I would never wear these shoes either.
  6. Curtis


    Very simple. I think it looks good.
  7. Yeah but you should still play halo. Halo is the best
  8. Not for long. They'll come out with a new one soon enough.
  9. I miss halo 2.
  10. Wii= stupid Xbox= Awesome
  11. Haha damn i was gonna post this.
  12. Whoa... Nice post. That's allot of info.
  13. I'm sorry... What is counter strike? Can't you people stick with halo!?
  14. Actually it's not... What good are you gonna do by modding a map and have no idea if it will even work. If you want experience try Halo 2 Modding.
  15. Hmmm... good idea. I was thinking more along the lines of a T-shirt contest. First Prize: 1000 Microsoft points Second: Uno Third: ? I can provide uno.
  16. Great ideas but... Were gonna need a cast and everything. And we all know who the b****'s on this site are. They'll complain.
  17. Very helpful, Thanks.
  18. Why do you want the maps if they can't load. The only way we can mod is to turn of the security checks and play the map without securtiy checks.
  19. Clans are somewhat pointless... I guess a custom game clan. * What about a clan that makes videos? We could do some glitchin through halo and post ibotmodz in our videos.
  20. I just think that we need to straight up advertise.
  21. So how does it work? And will we have members like the old site?
  22. I didn't have a problem with beat-downs...
  23. Curtis


    They're all quite good. You might wanna tone the frame down a bit. 1st one needs detail. Its almost blank.
  24. Very useful. I'm going to have to upgrade my firmware soon anyways.
  25. If your not having luck with pawn shops try eBay.
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