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Everything posted by Sweeney

  1. He means double xp weekend with modded maps.
  2. Yaaay!! Sounds awesome. And I know it'll be good because your amazing.
  3. http://www.howmanyfiveyearoldscouldyoutakeinafight.com/ I thought it was funny. And I got 26.
  4. Pshhhh multis are over rated. Looks great man, can't wait.
  5. 1)Buy a M$ points card 2)Get a nickel 3)Scratch off the gray stuff on the back 4)Do the hokie pokie 5) Pm Nielsss the code under the gray stuff Tutorial written by Sweeney.
  6. As true as it is, its still entertaining watching guys do backflips off ladders.
  7. WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14152-94.jpg Lol, snail with a cake!!!!!!!
  8. October 7th. Cool people born in October eh Blacklabel?
  9. Sweeney


    Whoah, some else on the site has diffenetly used this before. And how to you spell deffinetly? I'm too lazy to look it up. Btw, nice job, but you didn't need the blurry stuffs.
  10. I'm so cool I already had one. But i'll throw another one in.
  11. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13930-99.jpg Except mines black
  12. http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/1844/macftwmt0.png Haha peach, I had the same wallpaper for awhile.
  13. hehe im in the same boat as you. Mine will be out soon.
  14. lol nielsss. I get it.
  15. That pictures is about as legit as this one http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13492-124.jpg And 10 fails for shotspartin
  16. Very nice presentation.
  17. I know a guy playing it. Lol, its sad developers cant stop us.
  18. The trusted group was a nice touch.
  19. Sweeney


    It's a bot. No one in their right mind wouldn't hlod down the green button on the part right after the intro. And identical wammys on each sustained chord.
  20. Not bad, a tiny bit over edited. Every clip doesnt need an effect.
  21. im pro, simple as that.
  22. I've been talking to the admin over at http://xbox-edge.com . And he wants to affiliate with us! He said he would put a button on his site that leads to us, and start a thread about us, as long as we do the same.
  23. Yay for stupid question number 3!!! I could sum it up, but ehh, i'll let you figure it out yourself. And if your just spamming to get VIP, well its worth the 100 posts but theres no way in hell that anyone will let you in at this rate. much love, Sweeney
  24. Alright me and fattwam have been fighting about this for awhile. And you guys will decide!! My capture card quality on youtube -- His capture card quality on youtube -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnUOjUW4Tjk 5 day poll, and twam if you change this, like I know you probobly will im taking a screenshot.
  25. ... We put a modded film clip on our computers. Ideally couldnt we extract the forge map? I know for a fact that the map in stored in their. And does anyone know why these maps dont show up in recent maps?
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