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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0sQA9ILZSU Cannot Be Displayed this is amazing and kinda creepy that this guy thinks about what he can turn penis's into. But HEY who doesnt do that.... ITS LIKE THE GUY FROM SUPER BAD i drew penises as a kid also i relate to him -Legacy
  2. Xx Legacy xX


    Wooot brb in a couple hours
  3. Xx Legacy xX


    ima at school
  4. Xx Legacy xX


  5. Xx Legacy xX


  6. thank you but when things are embedded no one rates it or comments on it :/
  7. sorry though i was posting it in the gow section because i had 2 tabs open one was general discussion and one was the gow section. And i accidentally posted here
  8. made it in like 2 grid lock mtaches, one fuel depot, one clock tower (didnt last that long) 1 war machine (they quit after the first round LMAO) so like 5 matches or so http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGzeZKruZd4 Cannot Be Displayed
  9. ahahha nuke i am still amused by this, MSN HALL OF FAME Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:18 PM): hi Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:18 PM): are you detox? Brandon says (5:19 PM): yes Brandon says (5:19 PM): lol Brandon says (5:19 PM): no Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): you have a map signer? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): damn Brandon says (5:19 PM): yes Brandon says (5:19 PM): i do Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): who are you then Brandon says (5:19 PM): i am Brandon says (5:19 PM): you!! Brandon says (5:19 PM): ahhh Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): are you. detox. Brandon says (5:19 PM): sure Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): ... Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): can i has map signer? Brandon says (5:19 PM): yup Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:19 PM): so.. Brandon says (5:20 PM): one sec lemme find it Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:20 PM): why are you just releasing it out Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:20 PM): and can is ee a video of a mod you made? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:20 PM): with the signer Brandon says (5:22 PM): lol Brandon says (5:22 PM): i love relasing the map resigner Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:22 PM): lol why Brandon says (5:23 PM): cause i am who ever you think i am Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): O.o? Brandon says (5:23 PM): detox Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): youre not detox... Brandon says (5:23 PM): yes Brandon says (5:23 PM): i mean no Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): ... Brandon says (5:23 PM): maybe Brandon says (5:23 PM): o.O Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): so Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): can i have the map signer? Brandon says (5:23 PM): do you have aim? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:23 PM): yes why Brandon says (5:24 PM): nvm Brandon says (5:24 PM): umm Brandon says (5:24 PM): lol Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): ... Brandon says (5:24 PM): uhh Brandon sends: Brandon says (5:24 PM): there Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): lol Brandon sends: Sending of "OMG VRIUS IN A TEXT DOC AHH!.txt" to Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] has failed. Brandon sends: Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): lol Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): why is it a text file Brandon says (5:24 PM): it just looks like a uhh text doc Transfer of "Map Resigner.txt" is complete. Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:24 PM): Brandon says (5:25 PM): lol Brandon says (5:25 PM): dude you know that legacy guy? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:25 PM): yes Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:25 PM): why Brandon says (5:25 PM): Xx Legacy xX or something? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:25 PM): yes.. Brandon says (5:25 PM): he is beasy Brandon says (5:25 PM): beasty* Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:25 PM): k.. Brandon says (5:25 PM): i would @#%$ him Brandon says (5:25 PM): would you? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:26 PM): no Brandon sends: Sending of "Map resigner.PNG" to Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] has failed. Brandon says (5:28 PM): nuke do you auchully want it? Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:28 PM): yes Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:28 PM): ? Brandon sends: Transfer of "Resigner.zip" is complete. Nuklear [http://halo-db.net] says (5:29 PM): ... Brandon says (5:29 PM): loook inside Brandon says (5:30 PM): hey nuke? did you look don't release it though ok? Brandon says (5:31 PM): wow you are no funn Brandon says (5:31 PM): and i was just about to give it too you to >.< this is what was inside the .zip http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300/photo_man_photos/Mapresigner.png lol, nukelear you are way to upsessed with galo I LOVE @#%$ING WITH PEOPLE :D
  10. creepy i was just listening to that song lmao, now i am listening to, The Fall of Troy - F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X.
  12. who looks at the media section though :/
  13. ty
  14. subscribe to my you tube page i am gonna start adding alot more video like montages, tutorials and promote ibotmodz threw them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGzeZKruZd4 http://www.youtube.com/user/crazedADDICTION comment on my profile,- any of my videos rate them 5 stars subb to me or do nothing i dont really care and i willl do sub4sube just leave your profile name in the comments.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGzeZKruZd4 IITTTSSS AMAZING lmao i made it in a day yeeeee ima 113333777 mofo comment and rate -legacy
  16. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/71/Texas_FM_2049.svg/384px-Texas_FM_2049.svg.png
  17. YEAHH MY CANADA BUDDY sorry caps lol. but my canada buddy is havin his bday today.... his 18th bday happy bday to venom yay -Legacy
  18. Xx Legacy xX

    Favorite song

    I am a fake- The used http://www.playlist.com/searchbeta/tracks#i%27m%20a%20fake Puke- eminem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0RhzQqxKpI New york speed- kill Hannah The bird and the worm - The used http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEQCSM5TTw8 crack a bottle - eminem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ymNwsg2T2w
  19. oooo dbl post. in case someone didnt know i am a dude i was just bored and since rouge did i wanted to do it. I WANTED TO BE KUL ALSO
  20. emo girl are more dark scene girls are usually finny and i think there usually more hawt. also there is a big difference emo people like to cut them selves over nothing
  21. *cough* if you dont get this post look at rouge modders post *cough*
  22. please be honest http://i445.photobucket.com/albums/qq171/jader9_2008/emo_scene_girl_1.jpg Sorry if my mouth is shaped like that,us scene emo chicks just put are mouths that way when we get pictures taken ITS NOT OUR FAULT. OMG -Legacy () * http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=13510 ***
  23. not emo she is scene ****Kk
  24. wat about legacy ? smokie nooo my aussiee buddy Stay.... noo my ausssie bud with kul hair my lover... i mean ily i wuv u long time. We are all no strangers to love on ibotmodz You know the rules and so do I, so we cant get abnned A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other website I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand We never gonna give smokie up or make him cry or desert him lol -Legacy
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