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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. lol
  2. *******. i cut off my finger for ibotmodz
  3. Important day. This day is the day that iBotModz became OFFICIAL. Yes today is the day that iBotModz was brought to life. After being preggo xD So SHOW YOU SPIRIT and go to the link at the bottom of the page and reply saying YEAHHHH or something. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=8647 -Legacy
  4. YEAHHHS SHOW YOUR SPIRIT! do anything for ibotmodz
  6. lol he sounded like he was joking dec--safhasjh (i dont know ur name) its the internet. It dont matter xD
  7. Bags are much better!!
  8. OMG YEAHHHS, blacklable is the best person in the world! your awesome bud
  9. go watch football and eat your nasty tasting cheese. xD
  10. i usuually hate books, buti do like history s***, and news. Anything with death xD Sounds kinda evil but its true
  11. all you Canadians know what i am talking about xD lo
  12. why did we move this
  13. your an @ssH#$% i made a big topic for you on your bday but you were like "NOOO I DIDNT EVEN SEE IT" lol lets play gow?
  14. NICE. Gimme the video on msn i can upload it to my profile and peachy's profile
  15. xD i hate the word its like a pet peeve lol look how badly i typed, thats how i type when i am tired. but wee you guys in a few days heading off again.
  16. MAKE ME SOME TV DINNER. And my cp sucks aloot of dic-----tionary
  17. i ahte the word newbies because i hate when people grag when there good at something to too with computers or gming. It's sooo annnoying "I BEAT YOU AT A VIDEO" me> Wow really holly s***. Because this video is my life and i play it 24 7. I am aboout to cry.
  18. rofl yu gi oh sucks
  19. I would have no comments :'(
  20. lol i am gonna sound crazy but, let me set the scene for you, me and this scene girl were walking around downtown and we went into this one alley way. This alley was like smelly druggy alley. so were like cool xD we went into and the fire escapes above us started shaking. My ex like runs out. So i walk out after and convince her to come back in with. Were standing there looking looking at some of the graphity and right between us (were were standing like 2 feet from each other) a big bang that sounded like a gun shot went off right between us... later a this show (creepy canada) which tells about ghosts in canada said that in that alley way a prego woman got shot by her her husband who she cheated on. And her bones and her baby were scatted that alley way and apparently she now tries to find her baby or something.
  21. i will get my facebook back up tommorow (maybe) i removed it because my ex was spamming it
  22. it always freezes my computer because my .dll files were deleted AUGG
  23. i thought we got rid of that rule as long as its not like pointless bump like "Nice sig, or Kool mod" lol thats what i go by because i bump alot.
  24. lol kinda kool i know the bible now
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