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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. wow this mod doesnt look very good very RANDOM
  2. happy birthday!!!!!!! ohhh belated bday
  3. wow nice double post and i wouldnt doubt if he ripped this post
  4. no i say a darker brown like this
  5. how about brown to go with the green? Like this?
  6. Why not yellow?
  7. V3NOM


    not bad... for a scrub
  8. sounds good the last one wayyyy to much hype and it ended up badd
  9. the argument is not needed youve been told what can be done now just research it
  10. he looks funny as helll
  11. Q1:no Q2:yes Q3:5-10(but should be less people could make multiple accounts.... just stuff like that just 2 a day)
  12. im pretty sure thats what he looks like right now
  13. Seriously! you guys are so tall and i get made fun of all the time cause im midget (3'7") jk
  14. V3NOM

    VIP Updates

    *Back on Topic*
  15. You idiot! It has already been established that it IS in the post anyway... good post im gonna have to try these out
  16. wow btkc yours werent even funny
  17. V3NOM

    A question

    what are you gonna name your kids when you have some?... if some of you nerds get some *cough* xxstevenxx *cough* jk lol anyways just do it you know youve done it before mine will be Boy or Girl Tucker Girl Tori Boy Aaron
  18. no no you dont kinda dumb
  19. NO!!! it wasnt i watched anth0ny do it myself!!!!
  20. i win
  21. i like the last one and when the black guy punches the guy in the face
  22. yes i actually have one when i get home ill talk to you on aim my aim is r4zorizclutch
  23. i know im not a retard all i was saying that they sign on to your account
  24. hey hax can you help me with modding the save to work on other profiles
  25. i have about 20
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