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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. Happy Birthday!!! did you get mai present?
  2. good post would be useful if i had vista
  3. Nice shade ill give someone an account to make the mod for me?
  4. V3NOM


    i like prep as long as they arnt bitcchyy <--thats almost as bad as emo girls nothin wrong with emo girls except 99.9% of them look uglier than horsesh1t
  5. haha PHAIL its sooooo eaasyyyy
  6. mod please lock this hes smart enought to know to put it in his sig then post it he just did it for posts
  7. could i get some ads for mai site? even if there wont be members?
  8. nxeserver wont load???
  9. wow LAX your from MO? pm me what part cause i am too
  10. V3NOM


    good idea.... and is ipb3 the one that you posted for us to test the new ibm?
  11. what kind of site are you going for smokey? Are there anyfreeones that let you use .com or .net or something...
  12. i read it over a few times and Im still not understanding... ANYWAY this post is pointless just a waste of storage if your gonna do this post it in your sig
  13. OLD... You should at least make an attempt to see if this is posted already before you post things
  14. wow bunch of lazy loosers.... and I have a 4 day weekend too! *Correction* I am permanently console/all profiles banned from halo lol
  15. what are the rules??
  16. V3NOM

    Modified XEX

    so.... if we have an exploitable xbox with the modded xex thats signed.... we can mod H3? Or is there anything more we need?
  17. Well I try to but evertime you do you say its "illegal"....
  18. hey why cant i have vip 2.0?
  19. you did alright editing but there are no effects??
  20. where did you see that?
  21. recently i had the same problem except it was something like findding appartments in Chicago idk.. ohhh i started to get really mad cause i was just glancing over it and it looked like 1 out of V3NOM's 250 post are good idk lol
  22. frostwire is another version of limewire except is alot more safe
  23. V3NOM

    I need a Program

  24. alright gameplay too much editing
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