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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. well here are two old pics of me when i get home ill take a new pic and post http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/7540/s1478388057300764084930lp1.jpg *edit one keeps messing up lol
  2. no how they mod campaign is... first they make a campaign mod second they sign on to your account and play the mod until there is a checkpoint then they stop and save the checkpoint next you recover your account and that save will be modded people are working on how to make the save playable on someone elses account
  3. nice find
  4. wow i thought it was stupid it had potential but with horrible voice actors and the fact it wasnt given a very good script i give it a 2 for effort but fail
  5. its on sonys site just google it
  6. i havent drunk soda for the last 3 years so yeah
  7. V3NOM

    Sig Request

    welll thanks for trying....
  8. thats prolly why he got hacked....
  9. ok just tryin to help....
  10. dont know where this belongs just to tell you know when your looking at someones profile you can see the the html messed up like on the top where it usually says"iBotModz -> Posting New Topic..."
  11. V3NOM

    Sig Request

    i want it to have at least one pic of venom i reallly like this one http://www.animation.art.br/3dart/venom/venom_midres.jpg something about hostbooting a flat line across the pic of venom and have x V 3 N O M Zz on the flat line like in cursive green to match the line
  12. id rather just look on the background of the download lol
  13. ok thanks <offtopic>so why wont you join my party?</offtopic>
  14. V3NOM

    Bitlord 1.1

    look it up at watch-movies.net where they host their videos now lets you download for free without membership all you need is a flv video converter (without watermark)
  15. i liked the editing alot gameplay is ok.... except the the games are in social slayer or rumble pit and banshee kills? cant really tell whats going on sometimes and the part where the screen is black for a while?
  16. i didnt find it funny if that was actually him talking like that it would have been lol
  17. lol u phail you tried to rip off ***** and not give the originall poster credit and you missed the pics along with the other tuts
  18. mai aim is R4ZoRizCluTcH
  19. does it work for psp and can it download from megavideo or other similar sites?
  20. Don't lie. flippin burgers haha not torwards myself....
  21. lol seriously friday night=party night and this sounds gay anyway
  22. no patientce? its been over a month and yet no reply
  23. idk i think this should be locked or edited with him saying that he could do it for becasue i pmed him and everything like i was supposed to but he didnt even respond
  24. haha you have to wear uniforms lolol
  25. V3NOM

    lololol :)

    haha so FBI=fail haha
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