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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. V3NOM


    no what it does is save the differences usually between a modded map and a normal as a patch and makes it so where you can transfer .map mods easy
  2. V3NOM


    http://www.wizards.com/hecatomb/images/boards_greed.jpgTake the Hecatomb⢠TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz. this is dumb
  3. Read the whole post next time.... Some avatars i made with unlocked clothing... http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/call%20me%20v3nom/avatar-body.png http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/I%20irc%20v3nom%20I/avatar-body.png http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/hey%20itz%20brandon/avatar-body.png
  4. 1857
  5. i like...
  6. ok here it is RSA Me Jesus Nazis Random Japanese nolife ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Blacklabel, your a bit old to be living with your mom and dad still?
  8. THE NAZIs cracked the RSA and it wasnt even invented yet
  9. heard about that can you make me one
  10. sounds cool ill be the main actor when i get mai new xbox
  11. ill give you a nickel for number 1
  12. I Like teh white google phone ohh so sexxyyy
  13. V3NOM


    yeah you made it easy to post my BaaaST .Map MOD EVaR!!!!!!!!
  14. lol loading?
  15. New_WinRAR_archive.rar Sandtrap .Map Mod -Details Whole map is skinned like a warthog tire Assault Riffle shoot out Claymore grenades Battle Riffle shoots out Wraith bullets Shotgun shoots out Warthogs SMG shoots out Hornet missles Assault Riffle is skinned like a Warthog antenna Battle Riffle is skinned like a Rushsack Shotgun is skinned like a Wraith
  16. post it
  17. IM gonna make one in a minute thanks
  18. no even if you play with someone who jacked recon youll get console banned from h3 online recon sucks
  19. haha dont buy 50s get your own
  20. haha you payed for access to a site that has free gamesaves and modding programs? lol
  21. wow it isnt for modding themm its for injecting them but you should really make the avatar modder or just teach me enough about programing to make my one i really want to be the first to make one
  22. kyle your retarded everyone can seee it
  23. The Google phone lookz amasinnnngggggggg and noone has it _________________ 200th POST!!!!!!!!
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