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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. wow its my opinion but piss me off again and your account will be on my xbox k?
  2. Is it possible to mod the new Guitar Hero? like the ghtunes songs considering they are personal content?
  3. its alright the music isnt good montage music
  4. V3NOM

    Skin Change

    posting is glitchy with macs and shoutbox doesnt work at all on mac
  5. wow this is stupid needs to be in offtopic
  6. hmm either they are releasing the maps on friday or they or just releasing pics of the other maps
  7. V3NOM


    wow do you wanna see my freakin invite certificate?
  8. you can make a already modded campaign save to work on your profile
  9. ok send me pm of the account info then ill recover it and send you the 1 month code from the account k?
  10. this is pointless without pictures Recon is cursed Gives you nothing but troubles Ask anyone that has it
  11. wow they both look really cool i like assembly better though it seems like they might release them on friday?
  12. i like!!!
  13. V3NOM


    im a noob? haha dont EVEN talk scrub
  14. V3NOM


    yeah im bad........ im Batmayne
  15. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b337/emaldalani/dol_pikmin2_red_01.jpg YES!!!!!!!! i found it!!!! i win
  16. i dont understand is it what happens when you go to the site?
  17. hmmm do you know dark? is it a spoiler?
  18. hmm there are ways for past the update if someone could post it that would be nice...
  19. lol how do you not have hdd?
  20. V3NOM


    "video has been removed by user" haha noob
  21. V3NOM


    im pretty sure im the best at ibm i could beat the other 15 best 1v15
  22. noo... its at the very top where it says ibotmodz.net
  23. why do you like pikmin so much? what is it?
  24. i want ninja/black!!!!!!!!!
  25. V3NOM

    Blue shadowz

    yeah who the h3ll is blueshadow? ibm for the win!
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