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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. when was the last time you saw an emo guy with a girl that was a 4? NEVER!! they are losers who need to enjoy life instead of being all sad all the time because the way they act, they are going to h3ll
  2. Wow this is hhhhhhhoooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbbbbbllllllllllllll llleeeeeeeeeeeee editing they cut off 90% of the kills the gameplay sucks in the begining but starts to get better
  3. lots of bugs but more powerful than xr and irc *Off-Topic* but the new xr 3.2 is AMAZINGGGG the bot is really strong it hits them off immediatly and has no bugs *On-Topic* YOur dumb for falling for it and it didnt RUIN your computer just remove the bot google programs
  4. wow this needs to be in off topic and Emo music is gay anyway
  5. really? thats lame then make it like Online= Online Offline= Offline Away= Chillin
  6. You should have a little icon under peoples motto that says if they are either Online, Offline, or Away (Not posted in 60 Minutes)
  9. wwwooowww ok? COD modding is fun
  10. nahh 2 is fine 1 will bring spam
  11. *EDIT* Sorry for double post
  12. wow those are cool now time to show me mineeee
  13. haha i wouldnt prefer that considering it would be hard to understand... <BritishAccent>"Bloody Hell! D4MN Mic aint working, wait it is? thanks mate. ehh there mate, today im gonna learn you how to make Halo 3 FANTASTIC" </BritishAccent> haha jk
  14. who the h3ll is soffish?
  15. Is a good working program i like it
  16. its because there arnt any all-knowing regular posting members
  17. stop bumping its not that great
  18. wow you guys should stop being so mean to the guy considering your mom did the same thang except with an elite and she never takes it off
  19. i taught you how but its for making custom sigs...
  20. V3NOM

    I Need Help

    Does anyone have an infectus with time attack? my box is permabanned from halo 3 online along with 2 of my fav accounts if anyone can help and unbann them i might give some points or live
  21. hey does your modded xbox have infectus time attack:? im banned ill send you points to unban me and my box
  22. DONT HACK RECON youll get banned from xbl and all the people you played with on the recon account
  23. wow nvm the guy i was talking about works at fkn bungie
  24. i looked at it but its just a alot random code
  25. ive seen this guy change is record to anything on demand to a general to aprrentice idk then he could be in front of you and just instantly disapear and assanate youid idk
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