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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. V3NOM

    Hey can anyone

    nnooo you dont know what your talking about
  2. V3NOM

    Hey can anyone

    noo soryy sir-e but no 1) thats the national parks service 2) it said nothin about tampering with traffic signals...
  3. V3NOM

    Hey can anyone

    noo soryy sir-e but no 1) thats the national parks service 2) it said nothin about tampering with traffic signals...
  4. any updates on when the update is coming?
  5. V3NOM

    Hey can anyone

    Find out whats the fine for "tampering with an official traffic control device" in the state Missouri? plox? Ive looked everywhere with no results whoever can post back first the answer with 2 different places that prove that will get a prize... tEh PriZe >
  6. V3NOM

    Modded Film

    if you havent realized I am the shiiitt get it right no go cry in the corner and urinate alllll over yourself good day pwnt probably the best No u ever
  7. ahaha you sir got pnwd by the icestorm 3 weeks = noobs we got our shittt to together in about a week and a half
  8. I hope ya feel bettter - Im sick to except sore throat headache and diarhea/constipation (like ill have diarrhea then ill get constipated in the middle and if I get up I start to poop. So I end up sitting on the toilet for like an hour) ~well sorry if I was to detailed.
  9. fucckk that im gonna mod myself invinsible - I win. lol Yah I saw it on the news... might give it a try...
  10. Happy Birthday I guess your gonna celebrate with a couple of beers wait... How old to you have to be to drink in Ireland? nvm ------------ Unlike everyone else i make you homade cake... _||___||__||__ __||__||__||_ [=======================] [=======================] [=======================] /__| |_________| |________| |___\ /__ | |_________| |________| |____\ /___| |_________| |________| |_____\ [**********************************] [**********************************] |==========================-| |==========================-| |==========================-| ( ____________________________________)
  11. if i make a mod???
  12. V3NOM


    hey foil I have a song for you... "GTFO tampers suckss nuts unban me before i ban your site"
  13. Happy Official Geek!!!!! Who is 15 as of 2/3/09 http://www.cakecarousel.com/cakecarousel/images/product/1172270909_Happy%20Birthday.jpg
  14. V3NOM


    when you try the jokerman font this comes up Run-time error '380' : Invalid property value --------------------------------- and then the program closes... not veryy many options and everyone has a notepad...
  15. V3NOM


    nice spam nice flame and DJ sherperd can I have your program...?
  16. V3NOM

    Modded Film

    post count has nothing to do with the fact he was postboosting
  17. V3NOM


    and I = Hitler and Hitler doesnt like jews!!! jk this is dumb probably the dumbest/most pointless topic ive seen, even in spam!!!
  18. its ok except whos jack bauer? are you really that desperate to make a jack bauer sig?
  19. sounds more like you want a gfx
  20. if i make a mod???
  21. V3NOM


    ohhh zeul= Jew
  22. what if you modded the gamesave for one account then mod it for another and splitscreen that level??? so how much for halo 3 video im playing??
  23. veryy nice il like to see the ednd result
  24. lol i like the first one and kind of the third one
  25. V3NOM

    DG v. FE

    i like the halo one cause halo is the best
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