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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. Old topic bumping is uncool.
  2. Happy Birthday! P.S:ASS ERROR!
  3. He does a good job, he hosts for GruntMods.
  5. You should dual boot.
  6. and they said this could never be done.......
  7. which is basicly the whole game of l4d.
  8. Yea, They were using sligstorm`s Tut.
  9. lol. BTW, I think you can find that on this site already.
  10. A mod should lock this.
  11. Ok. I am getting a hard modded xbox. It will have slayers evox and halo 2 on the hdd. Some questions: How do I ftp? I know I need flashxp but what else? What Programs do I need to use Ai mods?(yelo etc...)
  12. you welcome. I made this because my friends wanted to mod, but youtube tuts made their xbox freeze. Its a bit old but I thought I would repost it from my site.
  13. Sad face. I wantz it.... im stuck on the crappy demo.
  14. yea, but no one seems to be listening to you
  15. He heard I was here, so he was drawn instantly.
  16. Thanks! That was very helpful. I'm so almost ready for my Xbox 1!
  17. you get premium membership extension.
  18. can someone upload it to mediafire?
  19. gruntmods

    Burial Mounds AI

    NOOOOOOO! it looks pretty........
  20. which is why you sign into xbox.com THEN try the link.
  21. well then its pointless, no point in watching someone else enjoy it. Ill wait till my friend makes me one in a month.
  23. they don't know grammar maybe?
  24. you could drive a dumpster in h2.....
  25. A tut by me from www.gruntmods.info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How To Start This part of the tut is from another site, it is by the author: william48151623 Ok, this works for everybody just as long as you have 1 Xbox 360 Serial Number Step 1: Call 1-800-4MY-XBOX (1-800-469-9269) Step 2: Say: Accessories, Xbox 360, None of Those. Step 3: Give him your REAL information! Step 4: When a person gets on the line say you got a 120Gb Hard Drive as a gift and you need an "Xbox 360™ Hard Drive Transfer Cable". Step 5: Give them all the information they require. Step 6: They will ship you your Cable within 1-2 weeks for free shipping and all. The cable will look like this: http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/article/783/783873/xbox-360-hard-drive-transfer-20070426021943688-000.jpg Step 7: Go here and download the latest XPORT 360 software. To read more about the "Transfer Cable" go here: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/systemus...tamigration.htm Q and A Section: Q. When you call Microsoft, what kind of questions do they ask? A. They will ask for the serial number of your XBOX 360's and the address to ship the cable to. Q. Does this void your warranty? A. No Q. Is this free? A. Yes, Microsoft even includes the shipping for free. Q. Which is better, XSATA or this Transfer Cable? A. None, Xport is better, but this is free. Q. Does it work? A. Yes Q. In order to mod with this cable, do I need a 120Gb Hard Drive? A. No, you can use either the 20 or the 120, it does not matter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How To Mod Maps, And How To Transfer Files From Your Xbox Step 1: FTP (File Transfer) Ok, open up xport 360. If you have plugged in your xbox 360 HDD, then a pop up will appear and ask you what you want to do. Click open. http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/Pic1.jpg Now you will have to open partition 3. Xport 360 will label some folders for you, but you will still need this tut untill you get the hang of it. Anyway, click on content, then you will have to search around for your profile folder (this is easier if your account is the only one on your HDD, this means only your accont and saves ETC...) if you have more then one account, it may take you a few minutes to find yours. After that, look for the folder with the words halo 3 next to it. http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic2.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic3.jpg Then, xport will give you a list of files like: screenshot 001, slayer001, usermap0001, and userfilm 001. This is a little harder if you have extra maps you dont want to mod ( chances are you do). you are going to have to try and find them by the date modified ( which is listed as well) drag all suspected files to your desk top for step 2. http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic4.jpg Step 2: Identify Map, Then Swap Items This step is easier then the last one. Open up the halo 3 AIO i posted in the xbox360 tools in the Forum. Then open forge under the map editors menu. Then just open the map you dragged in step 1 to your desktop. Then click on the group in the sidebar where your item is held. I am going to swap the wraith on this map for a master chief clone. http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic5.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic6.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic7.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic8.jpg http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q430/gruntlord6/pic9.jpg Then select the group of the item you will swap it with. In this case thats the bipd group. Then click the item in the group you want, and click save. Then Rehash and Resign. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the download links for the programs I said were in the "forums" Halo 3 AIO More soon!
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