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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. 4d 5h 49m 3s which is way wrong.
  2. meh.
  3. Just to be clear, any serial will work.
  4. dont did da master
  5. i am having a contest to win the maps, and you keep the account. It will be announced when ready.
  6. arcade works to.
  7. you might be at risk.
  8. gruntmods


    Protect yourselves. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=noob
  9. why dont you get it from your recent games?
  10. thats a real gametype?
  11. weird.
  12. I could provide that as well, or did they give your account back? Im confused....... besides if its legit it would carry over to your entire xbox.
  13. im at....no snow.......and im in canada.......
  14. we went from hosts to our life with a server lol.
  15. nah its cool ill get it in 2 days legit anyway, thanks though. wait wat you got your account stolen? Ill get you a new one.
  16. gruntmods


    Best movie EVER
  17. slip, might wanna clean up all of the sample text, otherwise...... nice site!
  18. This .dll was built in Visual Basic 2008. It has many more functions for huge wariety of different areas. Including Algorithms, Conversions, MouseFunctions, Network, OperatingSystem, Security, SpecialDirectories, SystemInfo, Tools, WindowsFirewall, and Xbox360! Inside each of these classes will be many functions that can be used by you whenever you want, all you need to know is not to use any of this to bypass/steal information from anyone at iBotModz. This my gift to the communit
  19. kk its all good just dont jump to conclusions next time.
  20. you faggot, i tried to help you
  21. i leave for an hour and this happens.
  22. random mods =fail
  23. I got my xbox 1 and i am going to get it modded this week. So what do I need in total to ftp to my xbox and install ai modz? I know i need xored and yelo.
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