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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. i wantz it.....
  2. are you aware they get you banned?
  3. yes. just like yelo.
  4. you only need 1 serial.
  5. some one would have to make a trainer for the 360 to play ai mods.
  6. no because every one will flame him again.
  7. Nothing good has come from this. It should be deleted.
  8. http://f-jh.no-ip.org:82/
  9. gruntmods


    a hot wheels car is far superior.
  10. correct.
  11. there should be a desktop icon that says "make recovery disc".
  12. yea the site says you can ADD a domain for free. which all sites let you.
  13. are you using xored?
  14. It gives you unlimited plays. Vista limits you to a certain amount a day.
  15. only thing you can do is run linux and dump your kv.
  16. same here.
  17. What? A wii is real a wee is a dvd player.
  18. which dosen`t come out until a week later due to bull s***.
  19. They stated its a live con(container)
  20. completely possible.
  21. gruntmods


    which is something the rest of the site needs to understand. That wasnt all directed at you peaches, I respect you.
  22. gruntmods


    is still don't think we need any new staff, especially just because members are bugging you. decisions like this should not be hastily made.
  23. lol, it would be funny if they did. I dont have xp either I was just wondering.
  24. gruntmods


  25. so wait that means even if you updated your launch xbox you can downgrade it and run the hack?
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