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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. lol good luck.
  2. just a simple swap, unlike this guy, real modders don't publish a test.
  3. No idea, im guessing with your account, when you connect to live it updates, thus stripping me of the maps if i did that.
  4. lol, your being sarcastic right?
  5. That will remove MY licences. But thanks for the link I needed that for something unrelated.
  6. If i download it through the account, then it works for everyone on my xbox, then i give it to the winner who can download it through the download history. They get to keep the account.
  7. As I said in the chatbox, its MY account. It was created for this purpose, it will have 1 month of live and mythic maps. Im not giving the code because then I would not have the maps.
  8. no the xbox does somehow. it works with live files though idk how.
  9. how do i connect? do i plug an Ethernet cord from my comp to the xbox?
  10. lol thats kind of obious.
  11. lol, thats the plan. Every one wins.
  12. so secret i dont even know about it.
  13. 3 days from the posting time.
  14. helping in general getting new members, addid tuts, making programs, doing research in con mods.....etc
  15. thank you. you entering?
  16. the person is going to install a new hdd, dash board and flash the laser.
  17. This is a contest to win an account with the mythic maps in its download history. You will get to keep the account and associated email address. To enter the contest you must register at contribute to one of the following sites: www.eofocus.com/gruntmods www.halbatross.net You must pm me from that site to let me know you are entering the contest. In 3 days I will decide a winner based on most contributions. If a major contribution is made to www.ibotmodz.net then you will also be considered in the decision of the winner. Contest is open to all applicants, including any moderators or owners of the involved websites. Enjoy and good luck! NOTE CONTEST EXTENDED TO SATURDAY!
  18. action replay alone is 50$. Besides that step will already be done.
  19. gruntmods


    a crack bunny
  20. its meant to transfer files from one hdd to another. Ex: you buy a 60 gig and want the stuff from your 20 gig.
  21. no u.
  22. and why release a test?
  23. sad face.
  24. honestly my tut is much better then this
  25. awww, i was beat by two days.......
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