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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. banned for using cat photos on the internet.
  2. We were aiming for christmas, but thats not happening, so soon. Check the facebook or twitter feeds for updates.
  3. Banned for bandanna
  4. Call of Murphy: Black Ops
  5. I have 66 rep lol.
  6. we play outside in the nude.
  7. Even realer gamers play in a frozen hell.
  8. Atmosphere is for ******* anyway.
  9. banned for dissing my band.
  10. they are safe, but they are all used within 20 minutes, so its pointless.
  11. **** liquid nitrogen, real men use liquid helium
  12. band for long explanations as to why you banned someone.
  13. why cant we just continue?
  14. now now, maybe he kissed the monkey, or drank its piss...... actually, all the ways he could have got aids are nasty.
  15. banned for black power
  16. Translation:hello everyone merry christmas
  17. Why do people call me Gruntmods outside this site? My name is usually gruntlord......
  18. I assume thats why they invented the blast furnace.
  19. banned for not realizing donors have no ******* word filter
  20. they announced a cure for cancer? This topic is about aids bro.
  21. I can haz virus?
  22. banned for thinking I made a comment and/or was banned
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