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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. A dell is not a gaming computer, neither is an hp, sony or apple computer. http://www.sagernotebook.com/
  2. your name is 1337
  3. world IPV6 day is coming up.
  4. bungie already said they will not be announcing anything at E3.
  5. more like your lifetime income.
  6. its true this does work, which is why some other apps used this to gain revenue. ( Apple has since stated that devs cannot offer users ingame incentives to download other apps)
  7. It comes with certain games. Halo 3 came with a 48 hour trial for example.
  8. gruntmods


    I couldn't get on for over a day.
  9. I'm not even sure anyone can do it anymore, he was one of the people who charged lots of money because his jtag can still go online.
  10. apparently they patched it recently, it cannot be done anymore.
  11. nope, they realised everyone was cashing in on this error. Sorry, better luck next time, ill let you know next time a deal like this swings by.
  12. I know a guy who can still do them, not for free though.
  13. that started a few hours ago sadly, I did it 5 times.
  14. Apprantly it's because your creditcard company will not approve multiple purchases that have identical amounts. Wait a few hours and try again, worked for me.
  15. It stopped for me as well, but I tried again and it worked a few more times, so keep trying! Also make sure to call in after and cancel auto renew.
  16. Can be done as many times as you want. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/hulu-plus/jack-links
  17. Clearly he likes men.
  18. Actually, many third world countries have abundant access to computers ( although not what we are used to)
  19. And yet, nothing changes.
  20. you fail to read, I made the mistake of thinking that people would read the whole sentence. To the other person, I am not flaming you, I am just finding it incredibly hard to understand what you say. Proper grammar is very important in everyday life, especially over the internet when you are trying to get people to understand you. The comment about the PS3 was just me pointing out that it didn't relate to the topic. Here is an example, with the irrelevant information in bold. The personnal computer was a great invention that we all use almost everyday. Fire trucks are red.
  21. Its halo 3, you would find teaching a rock to fly a more productive use of time then explaining things to him.
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