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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. my router runs 24/7 as well, wont the fan be loud?
  2. unless your running a data server, I doubt you have enough data flowing through the router to warrant having a fan running 24/7 to cool it. Adding a longer antenna would have been a better choice. I would flash DDwrt so you have better firmware. Edit: I realize you added antennas, but a modest boost to power would have been enough, you didn't need an enormous boost.
  3. overclocking does not increase range. Range is limited by interference and frequency.
  4. quite frankly it all seems pointless to me.
  5. Or ask them what spambots are (hint: gay)
  6. are you connecting by sata or usb cable? USB Xtaf Explorer works amazing with hard disks, but only supports sata connections. Formatting on the xbox will fix your problem, but make sure to backup your files.
  7. if you **** up, you need an eeprom programmer to fix it, not fun.
  8. I haven't been there since xbox 1
  9. xbins is the "usual sources"
  10. I cant foresee either bell or rogers expanding coverage into rural areas (other then the crappy wireless "broadband")
  11. DSL or cable?
  12. He must have confused the bus driver.
  13. he cant get rogers, no one in that area can. He already has the best he can get at present. Also, you should consider switching to teksavvy since your in toronto. They have the 15/1 cable package with 300 gb cap.
  14. only 5 minutes to freedom! it must suck.
  15. http://www.speedtest.net/result/1255897606.png
  16. because he had korrupt data.
  17. a mod that lets you give yourself items I assume.
  18. assassinating your opponent is so much better then real chess.
  19. lol
  20. I played several times with different people, ran fine.
  21. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153125
  22. pawns cant move acroos the board, it has a system in place to detect what pieces can move. Im talking from experience btw.
  23. NEVER buy a cheap PSU, you will thank me when your computer doesn't explode.
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