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Everything posted by XXlMODDERlXX

  1. you talking abouy pc or xbox..because you can do both
  2. man..wish i was more actiave..i know my chance at geting gobal is a big...nope
  3. Heres a sig called Kina Late, i like it cuse it reminds of it of me, http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16251-611.gif
  4. lol i remember how many moderators there were in the old site was like 50, HAHA!
  5. wish i still had live..MAN!!
  6. post some pictures or something because iv never heard of this
  7. ya but im sure people will try to find ways to get like a hack for millions of points or something but other then that sounds like a good plan
  9. yes but all there roms are free =
  10. rofl that was random
  11. hey lost modz
  12. i stop understanding when he typed microsoft..
  13. lol is that what smokey really lookes like?
  14. thanks i really wanted to use some of these mods
  15. that game is so hard!
  16. but why dont people just post if you have the time to go look at the topic you mine as well post..
  17. im tired of posting something and people go to it and just leave and iv asked for people to post and rate but all they do is just leave.. heres an example..http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15737-6.jpg and heres another..http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15737-7.jpg i know there is probably nothing to do about it but its annoying to see people just leave and say nothing to your work and you even ask for people to say something..
  18. always loved your sigs cesar
  19. yes! thanks people iv been waiting for some ratings
  20. nice, i don't really like gears of war but that was a pretty cool vid
  21. omfg your joking me right? 15 views...and no one wants to say anything but you post at other topics...ffs
  22. omfg 8 views and no replies wdf people
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