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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. i think if it was invite that it would be TITTIES!
  2. This is great
  3. K find a skin add all the images add all the mods into the html then we will use it
  4. its pretty cool work on text and did you blur him out? or did you just get a blurry picture?
  5. shaping = australian for getting into shape? :D
  6. monotone text sucks dont erase him to make him blend dont place focal in center but its your first, so its understandable that its trash My first sig sucks ass also
  7. .MeLo♥


    your site wasn't even up And I'll miss those two weeks
  8. .MeLo♥

    new club

    i dadnt know you were banned message me next time
  9. .MeLo♥

    new club

    Lol noone likes the banned from shoutbox club love train owns it
  10. Stop double posting, and im not making drama, im telling you what everyone feels Stop complaing ffs
  11. That about sums it up And not trying to be mean or anything, but why do people insist on telling everyone about there family life? Someone is always a @#%$ bag about it and says something mean, and then everyone else either tells a family story, or they just say that the person is in there prayers, Honestly, i have told people that the thing they are talking about or person are "in my prayers" I dont even pray. Instead of telling us all about how she is, be with her by her side instead of on a computer, that will help you more than haveing her in peoples "prayers" That had no intention of being mean at all. I feel for you bud, i hope she gets better, i really do. And right now im hoping to god she is ok. But im not going to say she is in my prayers because that would be lying. Feel free to flame back at me and get all angry and pissed of because what i said. But its true and thats what i believe.
  12. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/desjk.png
  13. Yea Perm banned
  14. same i enabled it and everything
  15. First of all its a rude thing to say to a member, we dont need members dissing other members Second of all im sure they could care less.
  16. would be pretty cool if it had no squiglies and no text you suck now
  17. Ill ban you if you make fun of him again
  18. kiss ass XD
  19. .MeLo♥


    Pretty cool v1 is the best because that light on her face in v2 isnt there The ones with the eye and lips and stuff doesnt really fit Dont place focul right in center kiu m8
  20. over sharpened face is blurry though o,O dont cover him completely with all the fx thats a good size to make sigs, stick with it
  21. i say hell yes
  22. .MeLo♥


    Its good for your first one ever! God
  23. Dude make me one, i want a sick skateboard!
  24. And you demote people for something they didn't do
  25. You dont make the decision to give your spot to someone He doesnt get it final
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