Sounds good to me, I hate seeing great members on this site being pulled away to other sites. Especially when the staff is doing it, how is that helping the site they are "devoted" to? Its not. More members like blacky would be lovely <3 Good choice peaches.
You dont blend someone in by duplicating the layer and then just motion blurin' it. Pretty nice, kind of plain, but im proud of you for staying with it :]
Both extremely flat, you still linger on that one part. you need to add depth, the gears one would look amazing with depth, As for the bw white, looks like a series of repeated effects on a bg with a focal stuck right on it
Awe thanks i love it, i in no way take this as a form of hate, but more of a form of flattery. I love what you did to my nose and mouth, But yet again the thing that draws you back and keeps you novice is that monotoness you have, you gotta get over that. And i didnt hack your site. I cant even hack , get over it. If it was done through FTP, how would i have done it? Maybe if you actually think "wait, if the files were deleted, melo couldnt have done it because he doesnt have ANY $%#^%# INFO FOR THE $%#^%# SITE"
Im assuming that "fag" is me because you think i hacked a site Too monotone and WAY WAY to flat, you have a perfect chance to actually make it a extremely sexy sig and actual sexy depth that other members on this site cant seem to grasp, It will be inter with depth Now its novice due to the mono and flatness.
Thanks, i voted for H_B's lax's is horrible, why would you vote for it? Its a bg, with a monotone looking blob that you cant even tell what it is, At least happy buddahs has some actual SKILL put into it And you have to be kidding on subs' All it is is a girl, with motion blurred with shitty text and a shitty bg