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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. so by your logic, everybody should be a moderator, right?
  2. has $134 off his 360 Slim which gets to gamestop next Friday
  3. thats probably why they changed it to do this- 1. Send game to warranty department they replace game within 2-3 weeks 2. Write Referance Number and name on disc and take a picture and give that to them (3-4 days to receive game, excluding weekends)
  4. all gamestops were out of stock (I called) so Im going to just pre-order it tomorrow
  5. lol, Blake, I don't think you can get ALL of those games
  6. you actually get $125 for the console there is a $25 trade in bonus on consoles (wii, 360 and PS3) so until the 27th (Sunday) you can get $125 for your 360 and Im actually going to do that and they give you 7 days after you get the 360 to transfer the memory from your old HDD to the new one so Ill give them my wireless adapter ($40), another black controller and a guitar hero controller ($50), my 120 gig HDD and 3 games on a list ($85) so I can get $310 off of the new 360 and all I will need to pay is a $10 (tax)
  7. EA Store It can be any game and any platform
  8. maybe with the game setting we can change what enemies can show up didn't they say we could do a game of all hunters?
  9. Ive called a lot, Ive gotten about 5 coupon codes and 6 games from them, but they all come from the same issue of Mercs 2 freezing
  10. that was weird
  11. Is waiting for his 6th game from EA, but also posted how to get the games, but the topic disappeared...
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DarkRuler


      It was moved back
    3. amcboi95


      Anyway you could pm me the tut?
    4. DarkRuler


      it was moved from VIP to Other Games
  12. Im in US and it will probably work for UK too, you just need the UK support number (unless its the same one) edit- I found the UK support number so I added it
  13. So this is how to get free EA games Requirements: -EA Account (1 per call and make sure it is 100%) -An E-Mail address -A Shipping Address -A Brain (you have to be smart because they might ask questions) -EA's Support Number (US: 1-650-628-1001; UK: 0870-243-2435) They are open 10AM - 10PM EST and are closed Sundays -A Phone Number (when they ask for a number you have to give them a different number each time) 1. Call EA 2. Give them your e-mail and phone number 3. Tell them that you recently got Mercenaries 2 for the 360 and for some reason whenever it tries to connect to the EA server your 360 freezes, but you can play offline perfectly 4. They'll put you on hold and when they come back they will either tell you whats wrong or go through troubleshooting steps (go to step 7 if they told you what the issue is) 5. So go through the steps, they will tell you to clear your cache, reset your time, open ports and even download a Fight Night Round 4 demo 6. They will put you on hold again and come back this time telling you the issue 7. They will tell you that the servers were for the console version of Mercenaries 2 are down 8. So then they will either say that there's nothing they can do, will give you a replacement game or will give you a $20 off coupon to the EA Store through e-mail (which can only cover 100% of the Wii Active accessory Pack) 9. Sometimes for the replacement game they will just send you the game without showing that you own it, but more recently they have been making people get a picture of the game and give that to them (they will tell you how to do that). I have been using ebay since they don't want a pic of the barcode and just a pic of the disc and/or box of the game to prove you own it 10. They will give you 2 e-mails after that, one confirming it with EA and another from UPS with a tracking number (if you don't get a UPS e-mail, then don't worry, I didn't get one with my L4D2 and I still received it) If it doesn't work the first time then call again I have probably called at least 20 times and have only succeeded 6 times you can use the same address for each call but just not phone number or e-mail because thats how they keep records you can use the same PHONE just give them a different number, *67 if you want though I recommend getting Bad Company 2 because you can make the most money from it and sell the VIP code separately so if you used it and it worked then +rep me and enjoy ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Reason this is happening is because they took the servers down for the PC version of the game, but at the same time, fucked up the 360 version's servers, they say they are working on an update to fix it but they will most likely it will just be cut off too Proof- http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/5444/19115856.jpg
  14. I think if its used with games and not as a complete replacement for a controller than it might work better more of how Fable 3 is doing it and using it for their "Touch" feature so for FPSs you can hold the controller with one hand and start punching the enemy to death then when done you just hold the controller like normal again
  15. http://gael360.free.fr/files/wxPirs-1.1.rar http://skunkiebutt.com/Le%20Fluffie%20App.zip
  16. just use wxpirs or le fluffie
  17. Just TTG and H360 are down atm
  18. wouldn't it be the Red Dot of Death, RDoD?
  19. do they check if the warranty sticker is on? and do they care about that?
  20. lol, ghost kitten
  21. Im winning,
  22. can it be used as a stand for my TV?
  23. is beng shipped his 5th free game from EA
    1. jmdalmighty


      Can u get me a bbcompany 2 VIP code plz
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