msp4Free This one IS legit -Sign Up using link (its an invite only site) -Activate your account from CPA survey -Then do more CPA surveys to get points -Reach 1600 for either a 3 month of XBL or a 1600 MSP code, or 800 for a 1 month rapidshare premium (which are shown on your referral page) ------------------------------------------- The owner gets money from the surveys then uses some of that money to buy the points from BestBuy ================================================== Proof I got my 1600 code from that site, and IT WORKED!
just take the LIVE file of the beta and open it in wxPirs and take out the .map files open one of the .map files in Alteration (I did and for my info) then click on other editors Some guy ended up finding where I had my info posted (which were clips of Alteration) and posted them on, he got banned Im not though even though he gave me credit
wow, this makes me want to continue scamming EA for $20 coupons and BFBC2 copies I was thinking of not going through with it after the first, but wow...
not a mod you download the program and when you go to system link on your xbox/360 you can connect with people (as long as you joined their lobby in the program) no modding of any kind
dumbass spewing bullshit 1. That has never happened in your life 2. You are 1 in 5,000,000+ people, they don't care about you 3. You will always be a whiny little bitch 4. dumbass 5. You will get banned, have a nice day
one thing that I just realized is that what I have done already (as long as Bungie keeps the same system) will lets us mod the full game to unlock the armor because we will be able to purchase things from getting credits in campaign, customs(?), and pretty much everything we do(thats what Bungie said) so we already have a head start on modding Halo: Reach, lol now if we can just find the right ID for the armor in the beta....
after playing Fallout 3, GoW, and many other games, Halo 3's graphics look like clay and the spartans look like clay peopl it just looked too fake for Reach, it looks much better but I think its what H3 should of looked like
ok, in their last update though they already mentioned they fixed some things for fall -Reticule in beta is too transparent, turns out the UI team didn't finish the reticules and that was just a placeholder anyways -Its hard to tell where you were getting shot from, its fixed for fall -Graphic bugs and other bugs like that were already known, fixed -Melee system was ****** up, now been fixed, also you can't 2nd beat down as quickly -Many complaints over the grenades, they are being tweaked and they will be fixed for fall -Banhammer will ban quitters for 15-30 min all of this will be in the full game, not the beta ---------------------------------------- But what I think is still left to fix is- 1. Focus Rifle = Overpowered 2. Running and Jumping needs to be increased (not as much as H1-H3) 3. Banshee needs to be faster and not blow up when you hit a wall lightly 4. You can spawn kill in Invasion on Boneyard 5. Tank and Wraith seem really weak 6. Reticule bloom has too much effect on the DMR and should be decreased slightly 7. Needler works to well from far away 8. In Invasion Elites can sometimes spawn with sprint or ARs and frags