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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. How much does a jtag that is unbanned and works typically go for? Where would the best place to buy them be? How long would it not be console banned by playing single player games online (Oblivion, Fo3)? What would some of the "must-have" programs be? anyone who answers a question get +rep
  2. company that made L4D, Orange Box, Portal, Half Life
  3. I think I found a bug When clicking on Last Click or Member name at the bottom of the main page it shows up with a blank first page Member Name only shows guests too (I used to click on that because it would show all members that are online and guest would be after everyone) Last Click has everyone mixed up starting on page 2 most of the time Member Name just shows nothing
  4. When I get the game Ill upload the Recon helmet and Honor Guard Armor but someone else will have to upload the flaming effect (unless my friend gives me his code, which then Ill just upload that too) but with Valve finding a way to patch it, it might not be possible for Reach
  5. yeah, he went to Horizon so with that being cheaper, it might become the main one in the future
  6. hopefully Bungie doesn't learn that patch for reach because there will be 3 dlcs 1. Recon helmet (Get game on same day as release) 2. Honor Guard Armor (Buy the limited version) 3. Flaming helmet effect (Buy the collector's version)
  7. it is significant, because what if he saw one of those people it may not be a lot but it is possible
  8. I noticed for links in the shoutbox, they don't stand out anymore, they just look like normal text unless they are highlighted
  9. actually bungie has awarded players for winning various tournaments or contests the Bungie armor
  11. thinks the new profile backgrounds are awesome
  12. So this is all the customization we get for Reach- Helmet... Left Shoulder... Right Shoulder... Chest... Visor... Wrist... Utility... Knee Guards... Camo Pattern... Paint Scheme...
  13. just killed a ******* huntsman
  14. how would that ruin anything? its just a rank and some people don't want to waste their time getting to the general rank since it is 980,000 exp which is a shit load of games and HW's multiplayer can get boring
  15. is thisrty and will play DA:O
  16. got a 1600 code and used it all on dlc for DA:O
  17. maybe the pre-orders are country specific?
  18. its real, I edited the main post with ******* proof I finally got 1600 points now I need another 1600 code, lol
  19. $5 (in invisible money) and free games from EA (I got 3 already, lol)
  20. cool, I can get the general achievement much quicker now edit- I added my gpd, it isn't a gen, but its a lt but it has all black boxes, skulls and timeline dates; levels are par time, levels are gold medals (between different difficulties); has campaign beaten on heroic the only thing it needs is campaign beaten on legendary and co-op, and general ------------------------------------ Edit2- I noticed that any achievements unlocked on the gpd that is not yours will not be unlocked on xbox.com and if you recover your account it will replace it with the original gpd 4D530808.rar
  21. you could just mod it and still get recon, I did that for my friend, so I know it works use that failed firefight mission and when modding your profile just set the time and day you unlocked Endure to the failed firefight mission's time and day then you are done and you can just press the Unlock Recon button on B.net
  22. wow that is my really old mod, lol if its not downloading in Halo 3 then let it sit there for a while and it might start working, but I heard that a lot of people are having issues with their file shares (not sure if its already been fixed) but Ill check if I still have it on my computer
  23. the Left 4 Dead 2 baseball bat file still doesn't I downloaded the new one 7367157218AEEC3454B4AA9A37DA6A1DFB79950A45 but I get the same message in the game- Baseball Bat This is either unsupported or corrupt downloadable content
  24. yeah, but Im just trying to get people to join, Im not filling out the surveys, I did about 3 of those 100 per person, so I just need 10 more people (I have 619 points) Im using a lot of accounts and just sending the message to go to my link to all friends
  25. I know, but Im still going to try it if I reach 1600 points and don't get anything then thats ok, but if I do, Im definitely going to post a pic of me redeeming it I already have 519 points, just another 1100 so if you give my link out to a shit load of people then the faster Ill get points and then the faster I can say if its real or not
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