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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. I uploaded WTF to youtube but the others are still being queued and the video is being processed right now
  2. why? why should I wast my money even if it is just $5 for H3 videos that I don't even give a damn if you watch it or not I did try gamevee, but they are gone
  3. why the hell would someone want to bump? I can see why no-one posted in it before though
  4. DarkRuler

    If i..

    This is what I remember Bungie saying (not an exact quote, but same idea) "M Screenshot = Ban (ban varies) NM Screenshot of a Mod = ok NM Porn Pic = Perma Ban M Porn Pic = Perma Ban" Hope that helped _______________________________________________ NM = Not Modded M = Modded
  5. I would have thought that someone would have made one in all this time _______________________________________________ and I think I heard of that headhunter gametype after I read the descritpion
  6. what is this headhunter game Bungie was working on? I never heard of it and grunt, that is all I did, I just went to avalanche, switched the game to CTF, then spawned a neutral flag by the ghost
  7. no, just go to forge, then spawn the Neutral Flag wherever you want
  8. thanks but Athrum Zala helped, but thanks anyway
  9. whoever can help me get it working, gets 1600 M$ points
  10. what if I get a new hard drive then put them on, would that work?
  11. I started going through each file on my hard drive, and so then if I thought one was something specific, then I would put it in HxD, and I also renamed all of my game files and a few others from random numbers and letters to what they were like Halo 3= 3DG4354 and I changed it to Halo 3, and I did that with the rest of the games, then I went to other content and moved those into HxD to see if they were CON or LIVE, so then because I had to go, I quickly unplugged the hard drive (after closing Xport) and then put it back in the 360, and now 6 hours later, I turned on my 360 and see that I have to recover my account, so I do, and then I go to H3 and everything is gone, I go to memory and there is nothing, now I plugged my HDD into my computer and it shows everything is there, so how do I fix this? Do I just resign and rehash EVERYTHING and put it back on? or is there an easier way also my other 2 accounts were there, just not this one ________________________________________________________________________________ For the person that helps me get it fixed, you get 1600 M$ points and I need names for these games- (they are in from highest priority to least) 1. the games file where these are in 2. Halo 3 3. Fallout 3 4. Oblivion 5. Fable 2 6. and the other Halo 3 File above the games file 7. Star Wars: TFU 8. Mercenaries 2 9. Kingdom for Kieflings 10. Portal: Still Alive 11. Call of Durty 4
  12. probably, and now I know for a fact now that he lied since he put my old gamertag in the description for 7 elephants saying that I helped make it, which I never even modded a Sandtrap map yet
  13. I probably will once I am done with my race track (damn wheel blades, lol) and maybe we didn't need it, but it would have been nice for Bungie to at least give the option I mean really, they make a (pink) neutral flag, but they don't make non-modders be able to get it? that isn't right
  14. this is what I know for a fact, dev kit mod (not a dev mod) is his, Air Base (all) are also his, and I also think that Iz clutch is his too, and he also told me that he thought it would be funny if he just changed the author at the time I thought he was joking but... ______________________________________________________________________ Edit- all links work at his Modhalo post
  15. it would only work once, like the Fable 2 limited content, I even tried using my friends account to download that through his download history, and then it never appeared after I downloaded, so I don't think it will be free maps for all, but it will be through a code like if you were buying microosft point cards
  16. I try to save the new coordinates I just gave it and then I close, then I reopened the same file and it isn't changed, and when I hit "file" the only option I had was open and I did run as admin
  17. so, how do I make them flat, I tried using Forge 2.5, but that doesn't even let me save All I need them is in a row and there are 18 small boxes that I will make into wheels, but the only reason I need them is for their blades to make into a floor for a tunnel so can anyone help on how to make them smooth by either Forge (the program) or other methods? http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/xi_Sean_ix/Area.jpg
  18. so wait I get banned for posting a link (not an ad, all I did was post a link, I didn't advertise it) for a website for something free, but the other thousand people who post a website or want people to pay them don't? WOW, HOW THE F**K IS THAT FAIR?!!?!
  19. no, it is just gone, like it was never there at the top of the screen is the logo, then it says that I am looged in, then the navigation and then everything else
  20. oh, thanks
  21. when I changed to a different page, the shoutbox at the top of my screen disappeared, so I would like to know what happened? the last comment i put in the chatbox was this (without the lines)- _________________________________________ http://www.pandora.com/ _________________________________________ Pandora.com is a free music player, and I don't exactly know if I was banned from the chatbox, or if IBP is working on it, or just took it down temporarily
  22. what about red?
  23. yeah, thanks, I was surprised when I realized that none were ever made(or released) we've needed this GT in halo 3
  24. DarkRuler

    Modded Film

    no, FU for making a vid that just freezes your xbox, I bet you feel special, and of course, you are the GREATEST modder ever
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