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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. STOP BUMPING OLD **** (This was a good find by GMOF Slidell, but it is old)
  2. 'and you somehow thought it was good to bump? Good job at being a *******
  3. DarkRuler

    Broken Steel.

    EXCLUSIVE Broken Steel video http://g4tv.com/thepile/videos/37879/Exten...el-Preview.html
  4. complicated? it isn't hard to hex Fable 2
  5. DarkRuler

    Broken Steel.

    yeah, I know, but I just saw some missing info so I just copied the entire thing, and here's brand new info- (I even took the time to make the original links that were clickable, clickable. and the images are too!)
  6. DarkRuler

    Broken Steel.

    Got this from the site- http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/home/home....bid=iWdpW79BZwd
  7. DarkRuler

    Broken Steel.

    looks great, keep on giving updates, and if I find any info, ill post
  8. couldn't get God mode working either can someone copy a working string so I can copy/paste it (with noclip in) I tried putting it before custom class 1 and I tried replacing Custom Class 1 so more info would help
  9. I tried noclip and it doesn't work cè?ý:. Ã........ ...>....set play list "2".set cla nName "".set mot d "Vote for your favorite Modern Warfare 2 featu res at twitter.i nfinityward.com and follow @four zerotwo on twitt er.com for updat es.".bind BUTTON _BACK "noclip" . set customclass2 RED = Used to say- .set customclass1 "Awesome" I also added the space after "noclip"
  10. I posted in wrong thread
  11. does that also corrupt your profile? or is that just in WaW
  12. I can help you with achievements (legit) but other than that nothing because its just an account
  13. Se7inSins? Modhalo? XboxTampers? Other?
  14. is it in the savegame.svg or profile?
  15. Modern Warfare 2 is out on November 10th, so why do a lot of you care if people release it? I bet Infinity Ward doesn't care because there new game is almost out
  16. In cod 4? I was talking about 4 not 5 (I don't have 5)
  17. how about- Apples the Kitten (i wonder how many will know what this is from)
  18. you should download Windows 7 7077 Ultimate (I finally fixed the wireless bug) http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4851376/Wi...c_Plus-Patch_V6 (use Daemon Tools to run setup, and dont use activator until license expires, Feb 3rd, 2010 you don't need a key so when asked just hit enter if you encounter wireless network issues then do this- Right-click Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab Scroll down to the bottom and locate the Startup and Recovery section and click Settings. In the next poup go down to System Failure section and locate 2 check boxes Uncheck [] Auto Restart
  19. can't its all server side, Iv heard rumors that you can mod your rank, but I doubt thats possible
  20. lol, no problem
  21. ok Korupt, I put them on Filefront
  22. fixed the thread (I forgot to paste everything in) 1 pic is enough, I tried getting ones that would look good as the main pics of each
  23. This is my FIRST map pack (with all my maps) I have released Outpost 94 a long time ago, but within the last 5 months since its debut, I have now released 4 more maps. All maps support every gametype, and play very well. 1. Outpost 94B http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/xi_Sean_ix/TheMainroom.jpg This UNSC base was soon abandoned after it was attacked by the Covenant. Battle scars and echoes still remain. 2-8 players Download Here Description- Made to look like a base, completely enclosed 2. 94B Elevator http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/5540/94belev.jpg Take Outpost 94B's elevator down. What waits for you there? 2-8 players Download Here Description- Map is 3 floors, 1 camo on top floor for Asymm games only 3. Down Below http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2479/downbel.jpg Below Outpost 94B remains a Forerunner Transporter. Where it leads remains unknown. 2-8 players Download Here Description- Only map I have ever put a 7-Wood on, blue base is the elevator, and the red base is above the "Transporter" (a geo-fused killball with teleporters) 4. Ancient Temple http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7742/ancienttem.jpg Deep within this ancient temple lies a secret waiting to be uncovered. Don't trust anyone here. 2-10 players Download Here Description- Slightly reminds me of Delta Halo (H2 campaign lvl), and it is in the Sky bubble 5. Treacherous http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/1436/treachs.jpg - Symmetrical Games http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/2467/treacha.jpg - Asymmetrical Games This area now lies in ruins from sandstorms and time. Bring a shovel. 6-16 players Download Here Description- My favorite map I have EVER made, it is huge, uses the entire main area of Sandbox (towers blocked), it can remind people of Blood Gulch, a banshee in each base and same with a Trans-Hornet http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/xi_Sean_ix/DarkRecon-1.jpg Filefront Download Remember to resign + rehash (yeah I know it isn't a mod, but you know, you still have to)
  24. I couldn't watch it, and here is why- voices- annoying as hell music- also annoying, should have some soft music that has some tone instead of just a beat other than that I can't say except I need a Tylenol (there's no smiley for head hurting)
  25. I found the egg a few days into Halo 3, I am FOUNDER OF THE "Code Egg", and there are no heiros, just numbers and letters silly monkey but I have known about the tags for them for about a year (can't believe its been so long ) but I guess thats good to know for other people...
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