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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. i like the name and also iv got 2 people would u like 2 join as well
  2. as i did say dont do this as it dose slow ur pc down a lot if u dont have like 1.5 GB ram
  3. Ok guys im going to make a mlg team and im looking for people about my rank Colonel, Grade 2 and higher. What i need also: You need to live in the UK You have to know the callouts Good with a BR The name of the team: Well i have not got a name yet but i guess me and my team will think of it. I will chose who is in my team ok thats about it thanks. http://www.joystiq.com/media/2006/04/mlg_logo_4252.jpg and this is why i wont to get good.http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KF7zEbOIVOE
  4. and how do u know that as u are new to the site and classed as a newb LOL
  5. u can .map mod the halo 3 beta but i dont know were to get it
  6. i voted for ibmdownloads.com o well that 1 still sounds good
  7. yes u need a flashed xbox and if u did do this online u would get banned wright away so i would not do it if i were u
  8. how the hell do u no ???
  9. Mcmodder♥


    i thought winrar was free ? o well good post as all the downloads on this site are rar files
  10. plz tell me why u play runescape its like the worst online game ever i think i will stick with the xbox LOL
  11. can i have it but maybe for free
  12. Submitted. And there were some good ? in there
  13. looks pretty good nice work
  14. The wallpaper is a bit s*** LOLOL o well
  15. how is it i think it is quit cool
  16. wow so thats what happened thanks for the heads up
  17. maybe cus DS are s*** LOLOL
  18. yhe good point forgot to say that but it should not be that as i think 2 red lights *** up on the xbox ?? sorry i could not help that much
  19. u do know thats ether a mod to change the name of the game or a guy who is test the game.
  20. sorry can u re upload it as i i think its not on rapid share any more
  21. well i like to skate and run cross county :)
  22. have u ring up ms to see if they know ??
  23. something i found http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-uVhbzMr_G0&eurl
  24. $1,589.99 OMG thats a lot of money :O:O:O
  25. how am i dumb asssss
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