the real one just to give u a idea Ok every one i have this for quit a long time and i thick i should give it to u i giving the install, nod login 9.7 (i will update that when it comes outthis is the new one) and NodEnabler. Install guild. ok open up the nod 32 install then when its installing it will ask for a pass say the thing that says later or something on the lines of that. then when it installed open nodlogin install that then open NodEnabler install that if u have done all that rite u now have nod 32 working forever. WARNING:nod32 will pick up nodlogin as a virus its not a virus because its a Win32/Packed.Autoit.Gen application (taken from my nod) so dont worry ok then hope u like it i know i did and now ur computer will be very safe from everything YAY. DOWNLOAD:Nod32.rar
ok as me and sillybob123 have made are company MCSB computer modification and repair we would like to post pics and updates about MCSB but have nowhere to do so. so if u could make like a computer modding forum it would help a lot thanks. :)
if its ur mtu u need to change u modem setting by putting in ur gateway number then it will ask for a password then if u have never done this before the pass and username should be admin. hope this helps