i have a generic walmart school brand computer but hopefully the end of this year i get to build my own i has temp gauges and everything!!! oh and 8 gigs of ram to be able to run crysis kthxbai
i think it looks good. i like the bue there arent too many cracks making it look bad, and it isnt too bright kinda looks like an egg being hatched explosively
exactly what he said, you probably had the litlest error in there names...likehow was neighbor spelled, how many spaces/if any were in ogre 1 and like i said before, generally the ogres dont do matchmaking w/o each other
I'm all for IPB 3.0.0 But I dont like the idea of coasting until it comes out. I know its a waste of time, but it really means alot to us the things that have disapeared I loved the arcade and had 15k points. etc etc
theres a cool little glitch on the level 'the ark' (i believe) when youre fighting the scarab the scarab in the tank. Whilst fighting in the tank, when youre downing the scarab and you blow open the back and eventually kill it and the siren starts blaring, if you drive as close to the scarab as you can and wait, when it blows you'll be blown all the way out of the map, even though you dont survive, you actually touch the waterfall that is in the distance. Theres a death barrier...workin on how to pass that.
I got my V.I.P. in less than a month WITHOUT spamming My high peak was at an average of 11 posts a day That means i got it in roughly 19 days. WOOT no spam.
hehehe and yeah that probably was it, what did he tell you it was? OT: This is what iBM looks like without a skin http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/lofiversion/....php?t8436.html