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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Decatur

  1. If I didn't stumble into modding, don't think I'd be on my current career path. Graduating in May of 2017 with a double major (Software/Networking Engineering) and a concentration on Security (the irony). But yeah, you were awesome for hosting this site and leaving it up. Modding is what pushed me into security, in turn networking, which has shifted to software because of cloud based computing and what not. Thanks for those random injected pictures into the Halo 3 file shares that got me here!
  2. Decatur


  3. Decatur


  4. Decatur


    Hi, I'm still alive
  5. iSad. what? too zune?
    1. Randomrocket


      Steve Jobs' life didnt flash before his eyes
    2. Slidell


      If Steve Jobs hired people his name would be- wait hang on, nevermind.
  6. i aint even mad
  7. mesage me your servers info!
  8. Dubstep blows and isn't a form of music?
  9. Fixed.
  10. Does anyone have a minecraft server? PM me details?
  11. ...it's been so long I had to change my vote to 17-20; currently 18
  12. I don't feel like making a 2011 yearbook. Here is me with all my airsoft gear on. http://i55.tinypic.com/x22zjr.jpg shemagh ftw.
  13. scene kids, young love, job, school, girls, guys, shoes, clothes, gun, computer, internet, etc. Shit sucks bro.
  14. Internship with the local TeleCom and grocery store cashier. Shit sucks bro.
  15. why is jester mad?
  16. Talk to me on MSN.
  17. i am jelly
  18. I hung out with a female... *ashamed*
  19. spray much? hahahahah
  20. What carrier is the phone for? Wait nvm, I didn't realize "Orange" is a carrier...quite the silly name, don't you think?
  21. It's not spoken but it's from the movie. "The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug."
  22. Hint? "People who live in glass houses sink ships" "Why don't you make like a tree and get the **** out of here"
  23. Boondock Saints 1 and 2 Hurt Locker Anything involving Mel Brooks
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