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Everything posted by Decatur

  1. ooOOoo more asian people! the only thing I don't like is how the detail of the pic ( the asian dude) is basically off the screen.
  2. 1563
  3. I'm pretty sure I read the first Artimes Fowl, I think it was good, I dont remember.
  4. 1561
  5. I realized we live in a society that openly rejects reading in ones free time. But I can't help and love to read. My favorites 1. The Inheritance Series (Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr) 2. The Seventh Tower Series 3. Deltora's Quest. So, I want to know, who here on iBM is an avid reader? PS. Flame me and I'll rape your pet.
  6. Damn you, how can you understand this?
  7. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.
  8. Once IPB 3.0.0 is up and people are more loving, I might rejoin the love train.
  9. Well it's obvious you have no little brother and you realized what you did was wrong and rather than apologize, you made up your little brother.
  10. When is the release date? I sorta skimmed through and looked at the pictures.
  11. Thnx smokiest, greatly apreciated. I'll try this on my desktop later today when I go downstairs.
  12. I love Phil, my favorite one is either Wally's girlfriend or Magic Mike Wally, go on Bungie.net and tell me what her K/D Ratio is. It's over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What? Not 9000!!!!!!!!
  13. Well there still consider Recon an 'Expansion Set' So they can't price it 60 dollars. But like Oblivion and shivering isles, its going to be roughly 20-40 bucks. And hell yeah I'm buying it.
  14. I'm quite sure the desktop in my basement only has 128megs of ram...
  15. 1559
  16. Is it modded halo porn?
  17. Doubt it Everybody on this site 'claims' to have been hacked or family hates them. But i doubt a 9 year old would be smart enough to go to another modding site. Coy and paste it here with the right topic name and in the right section. No.
  18. Could you be a dear and scan this for me smoki? If you do I'll make you a sig in paint.
  19. I just finished reading, and I'm totally pumped. I just want to know how is the bot connected to bungie?
  20. You know, this wouldn't have happened if they believed me This isnt immature (even though it really is) I only did this cause I had nothing else to do, and me and my 2 friends were competing with each other to spam the most. Just to mess with forgehub. We are not like this in real life, nor condone this behavior.
  21. Big bump, Big update I recieved 3 friend requests today from FH members who saw our posts and called me their hero. pretty funny stuff when you break the norm.
  22. is there a virustotal scan?
  23. Dude even I'm better than them. If I actually have a good team. It's all about the team BR, and the polishing off kills. But all noobs think is, "I'm so good, I can go run off on my own and rape their whole team like that kid on youtube did!" It's never a solo effort in montages, their never alone. They should all be dueltages or teamtages.
  24. Yeah, doubles as a laser pointer, we where pointing it at him =D
  25. Nice, this year is funky, the day were supposed to comeback from christmas is on a friday so they gave us the day off, and then we dont go back till the second cause the first is a holiday
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