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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. maybe >.>
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBWkPRSE-W4
  3. Dataanti

    Nice Boat

  4. Dataanti

    Lol thread

    eww.bmpharper.bmpwedgy.bmp some people you wouldnt recognize if u dont live in canada but if u do its funny
  5. i agree once they find water on the moon country's will fight over who controls it
  6. i give you permission to ban user "1679"
  7. its not a bomb its just a rocket no explosion, they picked a very specific creator to hit were it is always a shadow because its the only place were the is no sun light, if sunlight hit water on the moon it would evaporate and destroy the water molecules because there is no o zone layer to damping the suns effect, they also choose this creator because years ago a russian satellite detected hydrogen in there witch is key to making water. you would not need to bomb it to kick up dust, barely and gravity there, just gotta crash into it
  8. well then what is the thing called that makes us act differently, idk what it is i thought it was soul or spirit or consions (lol bad spelling ) or something, thats what i meant and it weird cause 19 out of 24 said no in my class O.o its different here
  9. OMFG its ok but i still like the board that it was on when i joined
  10. he didnt delete the cells or make them bigger, he zoomed in and out is all he did, and if you delete a cell (if this is legit) then you put lines in your video
  11. wtf r u smoking im saying that its ok cause its not a baby yet but it will become one, but when its an embryo it isnt and soul isnt a religious term isnt it?
  12. i think its fake cause isnt there normally lines in between each cell and it is easy to take a video, convert into .JPG and then batch insert them into it and set the pictures to "through" have done it before in class just it was with paint pictures and i only had 10 all you need to do is make it scroll down at the right speed
  13. Stem Cell Research is a new cure for many forms of cancer, disease and disability but there are many people out there who say know its bad because you find stem cells in embryos and other places, just that embryos are the best. All the people who are against it say that you are murdering innocent baby's because they take the cells from a 5-10 day old embryo, even tho it isn't even a baby yet, its just a tumer with no brain or soul so its not a life, thats how I see it. I just want to know what you think. More info here: http://stemcellcharter.org/ (you do need flash to go here and you can skip the intro if you want)
  14. record the IP in case this isnt his account then u can ban the IP or even his host name
  15. Dataanti

    Da Capo

    ................................. WtFFFF ....................................
  16. to bad i do cause i added it to blackwaterops.net a long time ago even ask the mods there
  17. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/LiveFriends.aspx <ul class="dbItems"><li><a class="list-db-friends" href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://www.bungie.net/Stats/LiveFriends.aspx', 'FriendsList', 'scrollbars, resizable, width=430, height=520');">Friends List</a></li></ul> cause im that leet i actually stole it from bungie
  18. um it looks a lot like java / processing..... float sinLUT[]; float cosLUT[]; float SINCOS_PRECISION=1.0; int SINCOS_LENGTH= int((360.0/SINCOS_PRECISION)); boolean dosave=false; int num; float pt[]; int style[]; void setup() { size(600, 600, OPENGL); frameRate(24); background(255); sinLUT=new float[sINCOS_LENGTH]; cosLUT=new float[sINCOS_LENGTH]; for (int i = 0; i < SINCOS_LENGTH; i++) { sinLUT[i]= (float)Math.sin(i*DEG_TO_RAD*SINCOS_PRECISION); cosLUT[i]= (float)Math.cos(i*DEG_TO_RAD*SINCOS_PRECISION); } num = 150; pt = new float[6*num]; style = new int[2*num]; int index=0; float prob; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { pt[index++] = random(PI*2); pt[index++] = random(PI*2); pt[index++] = random(60,80); if(random(100)>90) pt[index]=(int)random(8,27)*10; pt[index++] = int(random(2,50)*5); pt[index++] = random(4,32); if(random(100)>90) pt[index]=random(40,60); pt[index++] = radians(random(5,30))/5; prob = random(100); if(prob<30) style[i*2]=colorBlended(random(1), 255,0,100, 255,0,0, 210); else if(prob<70) style[i*2]=colorBlended(random(1), 0,153,255, 170,225,255, 210); else if(prob<90) style[i*2]=colorBlended(random(1), 200,255,0, 150,255,0, 210); else style[i*2]=color(255,255,255, 220); if(prob<50) style[i*2]=colorBlended(random(1), 200,255,0, 50,120,0, 210); else if(prob<90) style[i*2]=colorBlended(random(1), 255,100,0, 255,255,0, 210); else style[i*2]=color(255,255,255, 220); style[i*2+1]=(int)(random(100))%3; } } void draw() { if(dosave) { PGraphicsPDF pdf = (PGraphicsPDF)beginRaw(PDF, "pdf_complex_out.pdf"); pdf.strokeJoin(MITER); pdf.strokeCap(SQUARE); pdf.fill(0); pdf.noStroke(); pdf.rect(0,0, width,height); } background(0); int index=0; translate(width/2,height/2,0); rotateX(PI/6); rotateY(PI/6); for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { pushMatrix(); rotateX(pt[index++]); rotateY(pt[index++]); if(style[i*2+1]==0) { stroke(style[i*2]); noFill(); strokeWeight(1); arcLine(0,0, pt[index++],pt[index++],pt[index++]); } else if(style[i*2+1]==1) { fill(style[i*2]); noStroke(); arcLineBars(0,0, pt[index++],pt[index++],pt[index++]); } else { fill(style[i*2]); noStroke(); arc(0,0, pt[index++],pt[index++],pt[index++]); } pt[index-5]+=pt[index]/10; pt[index-4]+=pt[index++]/20; popMatrix(); } if(dosave) { endRaw(); dosave=false; } } public int colorBlended(float fract, float r, float g, float b, float r2, float g2, float b2, float a) { r2 = (r2 - r); g2 = (g2 - g); b2 = (b2 - B); return color(r + r2 * fract, g + g2 * fract, b + b2 * fract, a); } public void arcLine(float x,float y,float deg,float rad,float w) { int a=(int)(min (deg/SINCOS_PRECISION,SINCOS_LENGTH-1)); int numlines=(int)(w/2); for (int j=0; j<numlines; j++) { beginShape(); for (int i=0; i<a; i++) { vertex(cosLUT[i]*rad+x,sinLUT[i]*rad+y); } endShape(); rad += 2; } } public void arcLineBars(float x,float y,float deg,float rad,float w) { int a = int((min (deg/SINCOS_PRECISION,SINCOS_LENGTH-1))); a /= 4; beginShape(QUADS); for (int i=0; i<a; i+=4) { vertex(cosLUT[i]*(rad)+x,sinLUT[i]*(rad)+y); vertex(cosLUT[i]*(rad+w)+x,sinLUT[i]*(rad+w)+y); vertex(cosLUT[i+2]*(rad+w)+x,sinLUT[i+2]*(rad+w)+y); vertex(cosLUT[i+2]*(rad)+x,sinLUT[i+2]*(rad)+y); } endShape(); } public void arc(float x,float y,float deg,float rad,float w) { int a = int(min (deg/SINCOS_PRECISION,SINCOS_LENGTH-1)); beginShape(QUAD_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { vertex(cosLUT[i]*(rad)+x,sinLUT[i]*(rad)+y); vertex(cosLUT[i]*(rad+w)+x,sinLUT[i]*(rad+w)+y); } endShape(); } void keyPressed() { if (key == 's') { dosave=true; } } void mouseReleased() { background(255); } this stuff
  19. he is the bad robot in the first 1 DUHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
  20. ?
  21. console ban does not allow you to play XBL, u can still connect to it thoe so yes if im testing GS reseting and stuff console ban wouldn't matter
  22. http://www.360prophecy.com/comics/51.jpg
  23. well i can still play thoe so im not banned just my gs reset
  24. that doesnt explain y it happened as soon as i got the last vid master, the VERY second and it also doesnt explain y i didnt get banned i only got GS reset
  25. im trying anyways >.> how come i didnt get banned? explain that
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