i have a file full off.... CP..... that i was HOLDING for a friend for months before he told me i can delete it now and then he also told me that it was full of 200 pics of CP and 1 video and i was like w...t...f... but its still on my PC and ive been meaning to delete it once i find it again....
aww u cant upload it so far i have uploaded http://ibotfiles.com/files/eww.bmp http://ibotfiles.com/files/1237696819916.png http://ibotfiles.com/files/Undies.jpg
I was at a sleep over and it was me a guy and 2 girls, we were sleeping in a camper so there was only 2 beds so we picked random beds and it was boy & girl at each bed and when they were completely asleep me and the other girl got busy i forget exactly how it went but i know it was gr8 this was when i was 13 years old and we never told them
that is correct that pandemic studios MADE the game, Activision is the publisher and all that stuff, also in charge of copy right and for the TRILLIONTH TIM ITS NOT MY GOD DAM LETTER D:< DELETE THREAD NOW
BASIC X-BOX 360 MODDING GUIDE FOR IBOTMODZ This is a guide for all noobs, this should get you started. Common Sense Rules This is the basic rules that are not mentioned in the rules DO NOT ask anything in the chat box if you are new, wait at least 3 days, you can talk just don't ask ALWAYS search for a topic before you a topic post NEVER try to steal someones work... we will know >.> DO NOT use BBcode in the chat box except for using links, bold and italic Requirements For Basic Modding If you don't have any of these then don't bother asking even in post until you do Hardware (1 of the following) XB360 XSATA 49.99 US XB360 Xport $49.99 US XB360 Transfer Kit $14.99 US Software Xport 360 Install (v2.08) HxD Instructions On How To Move Files From You Hard Drive To Your Computer Will Be Included With The Hardware For What You Do To The Files Is Included In The Tutorial Of The Mod You Are Trying To Do There Is Always A Chance That You Can Get Banned From Anything On X-Box Live I made this cause I was getting tired of people asking how to mod in the chat box. If there is a way to force every new member to view this page then pleas do it.
wtf no im not ill take a picture of the envalope and thats all i have, mail lol but no thats not me lol idk how to do a fake MS mail and llol at the top there is to spaces but they r lined up so there has to be to margines but that cant be??? i thought
:( i need a mod to delete this thread now, also MS is watching this site they sent me mail :( but it doesnt mean im done <.< >.> http://i651.photobucket.com/albums/uu240/dataanti/100_1523.jpg