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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. basket ball was invented by a Canadian and Canadian football is harder cause the rules are more strict
  2. or it could be the resolution in the display settings are set to NONE OF U THOUGHT OF THAT
  3. i showed this to a friend at school his exact words: "THIS ISNT REAL its probably some shit trying to deceive people with after effects" then i remembered that he takes video editing class
  4. DAMMIT y is it not in HD, or the HD isnt good :/
  5. wtf
  6. still it got hot, it still ran very smoothly, its like a desktop thats in a pizzabox
  7. im sure if i bought the cooling pad thing that mounts to the bottom it would be fine
  8. so i started up all the background scans, for ground scans disk defrag and PC tune up and WOW and BZ2 on max graphics ... FPS is 200.08 according to BZ2 and WOW they are off by about 20 from each other lol and my laptop got SUPER hot on the bottom had to put 2 fans under it instead of just one
  9. tried that, it doesnt explain how the icons go off the back ground while its plugged in thoe, i think its because my laptop screen has more pixels then the TV, but then turning down the res should fix it but it doesnt :/, the TV does have PC monitor settings because it was made to be both, they are correct it works with my old old old desktop, its just stretched cause its not wide screen
  10. so im just on IBM with my laptop connected to my TV: the video and audio goes from my laptop to the TV with HDMI cable, and then audio goes to the surround sound through fiber optics for full 5.1 surround sound: but the TV isnt displaying my screen properly, if you look you can see that all sides are cut off, anyone else know how to fix, ive tried turning down the res and it has no effect, also tried changing the TV screen settings, no success: this is a print screen of it while plugged in: the icons and the background is messed up to, when I unplug it it looks good like this: PLEASE help
  11. SEARCH PROGRAM CALLED VDOWNLOADER <<<< got that THEN GO TO YOUTUBE COPY LINK OF MUSIC YOU WANT <<< very important step TEHN PUT IN VDOWNLOADER AND SAVE AS MP3 <<<< last one just incase u want to save video or whatever u got a million other formats to choose from it also DLs in HD and it has its own web browser
  12. http://www.speedtest.net/result/679063100.png http://www.pingtest.net/result/7592364.png
  13. old news is old lol
  14. yea
  15. if you can u should try making center button screen come up to inv people
  16. Dataanti


    eww nasty stuff
  17. claps can u put me in the score list
  18. HORRIBLE!!!!! it suck do something worth doing for once lol jk
  19. lol
  20. old is old this is better http://www.chatroulette.com/
  21. how its not possible
  22. well the game is the game and idk what else you want to know all i can say is that its the game cause thats what its called and it is fake lol but i never made it a friend made it and gave it to me and scince the game is not an official game that means that certificate is perficly official a cetificate saying i won AAA game and this is how, i said: you cant remember what you haven't forgotten thats how i won
  23. i dont have the right paper lol its some sort of thick paper
  24. if u like i can take it from any angle and if u want u cant enter into a vid chat and i hold it to camera lol beat that no1 can live shopp
  25. U C EYE W0N
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