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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. Dataanti


    looks more like what trees smell like >.>
  2. if I had a really good HD/ preferably full screen video of the prank video i can make it look VERY real to the untrained eye, if you happen to have a copy.... if this is for a video to be posted on youtube
  3. Dataanti

    Zalgo Text

  4. Dataanti

    Zalgo Text

    OMG thats COOL thats what ive been trying to do with it but not download it lol but now i dont need to :D
  5. Dataanti

    Zalgo Text

    new 1
  6. Dataanti

    Zalgo Text

    wtf am i doing lol first DL this open with IE firefox what ever u got then easy as pie its also called zalgo idk y tho NEW AND IMPROVED ONE UPLOADED jibberish text generator.htm
  7. >.>
  8. Dataanti

    Zalgo Text

    easy as pie l l l l l V
  9. hmmm it looks VERY suspicious >.> especially when this is ur first post and the file size is so small
  10. ????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ?????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ?????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ???DATAANTI TEXT 101 ????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????????????? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ???????????? ???z TEST edit: didnt work
  11. java script error lol it has always worked untill now, it works in notepad email youtube facebook ANYTHING it will work except for a few and now this site is one of the few D':
  12. it is supposed to look like the pic in the attachment and it did yesterday
  13. it wasnt huge before until something happened to the special characters
  14. y is my sig stupid
  15. my signature is all jipped over and uncool at the bottom now how do i fix it
  16. i already almost broke them :/ i ran into a screen door and it is dark out
  17. :/ :/ :/ i want laser eye surgery
  18. Dataanti

    glasses now

    i have to were glasses all the time now :'(
  19. ribbit
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmtup0-IAOc
  21. lol it is fake, everything but the RAM XD but i never used no tutroil i just prt scrn open paint paste and drag numbers to were i want XD
  22. same with me i have 4G of ram but since its the worst it makes my score low
  23. Dataanti


  24. Dataanti


  25. that horse thing makes me lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS8KCEFcY58 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4_lLXG4MLk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T38EDKxrUts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7S7YQpnklU
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