um i did make my own topic in the off topic... its not any old murder, its a messed up murder, the guy took the guys head and dropped it in the front of the buss some other news thing said. how often does that happen in such nasty way
lol idk who made it i found it on my old old PC, it was hogging 3% of it HD so i copied it to my flash drive and on my new PC, i haven't used the old old PC in about 4 years and no one else has used it in that lon either, so it pretty old.
*sigh* over half of he markers were spam SO I DELETED ALL THE SPAM! NO MORE SPAM! u ruin it for evey1 else TO ALL U SPAMMERS ............./´¯/)...........(\ ¯`\ ............/....//......... ..\\....\. .........../....//.......... ...\\....\. ...../´¯/..../´¯\...........\¯ `\....\¯`\. .././.../..../..../.|_...._ |.\....\....\...\.\. (.(....(....(..../.)..)...(..(.\.....)....)....).) .\................\/.../..\...\/................./ ..\................. /......\.................../ ....\..............(.........)................/
I seen this in the Bungie group I am in and I thought it was a cool idea. you can put your marker on the exact house or if you are worried about stalkers, you can make it more general. NO SPAM MARKERS