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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. um u know it doesnt count and its fake
  2. HEY ATHRUN im confused, getting knifed up is not natural, natural death is by old age
  3. ( { [ My Brackets ] } )
  4. um i did make my own topic in the off topic... its not any old murder, its a messed up murder, the guy took the guys head and dropped it in the front of the buss some other news thing said. how often does that happen in such nasty way
  5. Cannot Be Displayed
  6. Dataanti


    it could be just window ME default or something, i found it in the windows folder
  7. Dataanti


    i dont care
  8. STFU i never seen it D:< !!!
  9. Cannot Be Displayed
  10. Dataanti


    lol idk who made it i found it on my old old PC, it was hogging 3% of it HD so i copied it to my flash drive and on my new PC, i haven't used the old old PC in about 4 years and no one else has used it in that lon either, so it pretty old.
  11. Dataanti


    ITS AWSOME!!!!
  12. Dataanti

    wild mj

    GOTA-CATCH-EM-ALL Pokemon! Cannot Be Displayed
  13. wat illegal download from were
  14. NO!
  15. Cannot Be Displayed
  16. *sigh* over half of he markers were spam SO I DELETED ALL THE SPAM! NO MORE SPAM! u ruin it for evey1 else TO ALL U SPAMMERS ............./´¯/)...........(\ ¯`\ ............/....//......... ..\\....\. .........../....//.......... ...\\....\. ...../´¯/..../´¯\...........\¯ `\....\¯`\. .././.../..../..../.|_...._ |.\....\....\...\.\. (.(....(....(..../.)..)...(..(.\.....)....)....).) .\................\/.../..\...\/................./ ..\................. /......\.................../ ....\..............(.........)................/
  17. lol i dont live there any more i moved like 1 and a half years ago
  18. DL IT!!! NOW
  19. o w8 let me fool around with settings u should be able to just click EDIT: map fixed you can now click were u want marker
  20. I seen this in the Bungie group I am in and I thought it was a cool idea. you can put your marker on the exact house or if you are worried about stalkers, you can make it more general. NO SPAM MARKERS http://www.mapservices.org/myguestmap/map/ibotmodz#
  21. NOOOO RLY!!!! its not like ObAmA is THERE NoWWWWWW~!!!@!PK#WPK@EPOKRDOnsjl6b 75 67 66 69 6f 69 75 6c 2c 6a 5c 68 64 73 6c 69 75 66 68 70 7a 39 72 67 79 74 6f 77 75 72 68 64 73 66 73 6c 6b 67 66 6c 72 73 61 74 3b 73 72 7a 69 75 6c 69 68 73 6b 66 64 64 66 67 64 61 73 67 72 73 67 73 72 67 66 64
  22. im REALLY happy he never ran my country with a mind like that
  23. WTF
  24. Dataanti

    3d Japs

    y cant i do it then
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